
Meet the Top Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

Immigration is a very common phenomenon in this contemporary time as people do not hesitate to move to foreign countries in search of a better life. Earlier, it was not a preference of a normal person as there were a lot of uncertainties related to the process and life in an unknown place. Families used to be scared and worried about the whole scenarios, however the times have changed and now family members encourage and support an individual who wishes to take that step forward.

Although things have improved tremendously, yet there is a lot of aspects which make this process time consuming and complicated. Therefore, wise people advise to take professional advice in matters regarding abroad education or work. Many immigration consultants are available these days which offer such support to visa aspirants in different cities and towns, however the best immigration consultants are in Chandigarh, the city known for its planning and being the joint capital of two states of India; Punjab and Haryana. It is often questioned by people, “why the Visa Consultants in Chandigarh are called the best ones?” following arguments will answer that for you:

Rich Practical Experience:

The visa consultants in Chandigarh which have been operational for a long time are enriched with practical experience and know too well how things work and move in reality. They have handled varied cases with their unique circumstances and have found out the solutions to them by working hard and gaining in depth knowledge about the processes related to that making them more resourceful now. They are aware of the solutions to almost all the obstacles that might come in the process of applying any type of visa to any country.

Deep Knowledge:

The practical experience is no doubt much needed, however, it will be of not much use without the fundamental knowledge about the policies and procedures. That is why all the reputed Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh have highly qualified visa teams with the members who have deep knowledge about the whole process. Apart from that, they always keep themselves updated about what is happening in the industry, they are always aware of any changes in the processes and validate it with the concerning authorities, thus they give you the accurate information so that you are not misguided by the rumor mills.


Professionalism is something that is rare to be found in this field as immigration is not an organized industry. You might have come across many consultancies which just do things in a very haphazard manner leaving their clients completely confused. They do not know what is happening with their file and what the status of their application is, it is obviously not a positive approach. Contrary to that, the Top Visa Consultants in Chandigarh are well organized in their work and handle everything like professionals. They have dedicated people for specific tasks related to the process like admissions, filing etc. This results in the best work done timely which is essential in this scenario. This also allows the clients to have the clarity about each and every step, building trust and confidence.

Multiple Services:

The consultancy firms in Chandigarh understand too well that the clients struggle a lot to get things done on their own which are required for visa application, like getting the paperwork ready, applying for loans, writing statement of purpose and many such things, therefore they have developed the ways to provide such services to them proactively. For example; the documents are made by people in different languages and styles in different parts of the country which are admissible in India but there is specific format that is accepted by the governments of various countries. The documents need to be in accordance to that which people are not aware of. These firms help their clients to get the documents prepared in the acceptable format.


The reputed immigration consultants in Chandigarh are very particular about the monetary transactions and prefer to keep it completely open in front of their clients. This is the reason why they are the most trusted ones in the field.
There are the most important reasons why you must consult a trusted and professional visa consultant in Chandigarh if you have decided to immigrate to a foreign country to seek a better life and career so that the whole process becomes a positive experience for you

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How to Ensure Your Visa Success with Chandigarh Experts

In the contemporary world, everything has a cost and one must be ready to pay if they need to have that thing. This holds true in all the cases, be it a product or a service. However, most of us try to save money and choose the options where we do not have to pay if possible and end up paying more and losing a lot in the long run. This sometimes takes us to a place where we have to face disappointments. This is very common in the scenarios where big amount of money is involved like going abroad for any purpose; education, PR, visiting someone or going as a tourist to explore the country. It is suggested that you hire an immigration consultant for this purpose and it is also a known fact that the best ones are present in Chandigarh which is the immigration hub of northern India.

When you decide to go to a foreign country for any purpose, you are mentally prepared to shell some money for that but you are always unclear about the consultation fee that you are supposed to pay to your Visa Consultant in Chandigarh. This is due to a lot of ambiguity in the immigration market. Many of them offer free service which is just a trap for you, you mustn't fall into it. You must analyze the reason behind that, why anyone would offer you free services when the main aim of any business or organization is to earn money. Offering free counseling makes sense as till that time they have not started working on the profile but once they start the process for you then it cannot be free, be alert if someone tells you otherwise.
The visa consultation fee in Chandigarh falls somewhere around 15K to 50K as it depends on numerous factors, let us know what they are:

Factors Affecting the Consultation Fee:

Country of Choice:

Th visa policies and procedures are usually very complex and intricate for all the countries as they are made keeping in mind the benefits of that country. Navigating through all of them and following each and every rule properly leads to a lot of knowledge and experience. The consultant has to be extra careful and extremely alert about each and every step of the process so that the result comes in the client's favor, which is you. For all the hard work they do, you should pay them a reasonable amount. Apart from this, certain countries have more complicated process as compared to others, in that case the consultant has to work more which leads to increase in the consultation charges.

Case Specifications:

Along with the country of choice, the consultation fee is based upon the specifications and complications of a case. If you have had a refusal before when you consulted some other firm, it is obvious that the current consultant will charge you more consultation fee while applying for the second time as this time he or she will have to make amendments and remove the flaws of the earlier time so that your visa application gets approved.·

 Type of Visa:

Different types of visa like study visa or tourist visa or spouse visa etc. have different procedures which directly impacts the consultation fee as the preparation for that also differs.·

 Type of Services taken by you:

The reputed Top Visa Consultant in Chandigarh offers multiple services to their clients so that they do not have to worry about anything. For any additional service that you take, there will be a small charge added to the consultation fee. For example, they have dedicated professionals who are expert SOP writers. They are capable of presenting details in the best way possible. If you want them to do it for you, there will be cost for that. It is not mandatory for you to take addit ional services but doing so ensures the best work and better chances to get the visa without any hindrances.To conclude, as it is clear now that the different charges you come across for visa consultation is due to the above mentioned reasons, you must get the clarity from your Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh regarding that before starting the process so that there is no confusion later . Also, do not fall for the ones offering everything free of cost because there is no such thing as free lunch.

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Expert Guidance from Chandigarh Immigration Consultants

Consultation is considered to be the initial and most important step of any given process. People generally consult family and friends for small as well as big decisions of life so that they could take the right decision which will be positive for their future. In India people still hesitate to take professional support or consultation as they feel that it might not be as per them, after all the professional consultant does not know them personally, so how can he or she advice on important matters of life. Due to this most of the times they do not take expert advice and make wrong decisions which lead to disappointments in life. One such matter where this is often observed is the decision about studying abroad.

In this regard professional suggestions must always be given priority on that of friends and family because it is not a small decision and an individual’s whole life depends on it. It is strongly recommended that you consult a reputed visa consultancy while taking any decision regarding abroad education so that you do not have any regrets in future.Having said that, it is also crucial to know about the consultancy firm that is best in the market so that you have the best consultation too. Chandigarh is full of firms that offer consultation for studying in a foreign country and that is why finding the best one is a challenging task. To cut down on your long research to reach the top notch Visa Consultants in Chandigarh, let’s disclose the name of the most reliable and successful study visa consultants in Chandigarh, it is none other than Abroad Gateway. This consultancy’s physical office is located in sector 42, Chandigarh, away from the crowd. Here is why they are considered best in the field:

Expert Visa consultants:

Abroad Gateway has acquired its position in the immigration industry in Chandigarh due to the great work of all the people involved in its operations, be it the staff members or the management. They are valued as the experts in their field because of the deep knowledge about all the aspects of study visa along with a long enriching exposure which has made them explore the process to its core resulting in great practical understanding of the whole process.

Proactive Approach:

The visa team at this place believes in staying ahead every time and this proactive approach regarding the function and activities results in success. Being extremely experienced, they are able to find out the solutions to all the problems that they may encounter during the course of action while processing the study visa for various clients as each case has its own specifications and each client has their own conditions and circumstances.

Customer Centricity:

The most appreciated feature of any Top Visa Consultant in Chandigarh or anywhere else is whether it is customer oriented or not. This is the biggest differentiator between a good and a great consultant. That is why Abroad Gateway is rightfully the great one, because for the whole Abroad Gateway team customer is first and they do everything in their capacity to make things work in favor of their client.

Transparency in work:

Honesty is the best policy, especially in the immigration sector. To achieve that it is essential that there is nothing hidden between the client and the consultancy. Following this to the core, the clients here are kept informed about every step, every action and every transaction so that they are aware all the time about the processing.


The team at this consultancy is quite accommodating and tries to do things as per the demands and wishes of the clients. If the clients have certain specifications regarding some things, they will try to work around that so that the process goes the way the client wants as customer satisfaction is most important which is provided by Best Visa Consultant in Chandigarh. Abroad Gateway is truly your gateway to go abroad for education as it will provide best guidance and give most appropriate options of courses, universities and countries so that you can have great education and career in life. Hence, if the decision of studying abroad is made, you must not wait more and contact the visa team at this consultancy to fulfill your dream as soon as possible.

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How to Prepare for Your First Meeting with Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh

mmigration as we all know is the movement of people from one country to another which has been happening since long and is believed to continue forever because the desire to achieve more and better will keep on driving people to work hard to reach the greener pastures. There are innumerable immigration consultancies running in the whole country to guide such individuals to fly out to the country of their choice, however the consultancy firms in Chandigarh are far ahead in this regard due to certain reasons. The first and most prominent one is the extensive exposure and experience that they had while working for their clients for very long time as this trend began here at a large extent. The Best Immigration consultant in Chandigarh have become experts in the field because they are more customer oriented and try their level best to ensure the visa approval for them.

They could do that with assurance because they know the practical ways to solve various problems or obstacles that come across while carrying out various activities related to the visa application process. It is often said that this trend has reached its plateau and there will be a decline in this in the upcoming future leading to the downfall of this industry, which is obviously untrue. The reasons that gave birth to this movement are still very relevant and gaining more significance, therefore there is no reason to agree with the above statement. Let us understand the reasons why this sector will keep on flourishing in the future too:


In this modern time, technology has brought the world on every person’s doorstep, be it education, employment, fashion, food, entertainment or any other thing one could think of. This has resulted in globalization as now citizens of any country are aware about the whole world, they are able to access information about any place and use the articles produced anywhere. This new found insight about the new places, culture, lifestyle etc. has made people curious and hopeful at the same time. They are curious to know more about the places they like and hope to live the life people live in a certain country because that appeals them. This is evident with the greater number of Indians going to various nations for very different reasons like studying, working, expanding business, exploring the place and many others. To do that, they need to have the legal permission from the government of that nation to enter their country which is officially known as visa. Getting visa for any purpose needs knowledge of the policies and procedures involved which is quite complex, thus the support and guidance of efficient immigration consultants in Chandigarh is very much needed as they are the best in the industry.

Human Desires:

There is no end to a human’s wishes and desires, they are countless. The moment a person achieves one, he or she starts working on the next. This endless process leads in growth and development which is the key to a better life, which is the ultimate goal. In past, going abroad was a distant dream for many, only a few lucky and brave Indians went abroad and have made a life for themselves overseas but now due to better immigration policies and improved relations between nations, this has become an achievable dream for many across the globe. Residents of different countries plan to go to the places of their choice as per their goals in life. Till the time this will to move abroad is there, which is almost forever, the future of the Top Visa Consultants in Chandigarh will be bright only, because without their support it will not be possible for a lot of people to visit or move to foreign countries.
Hence, there is positive news for the immigration industry because it will grow leaps and bounds owing to the human desire and passion to have better than what they currently have. Earlier people used to just focus on work or education but at present international tourism is progressing at a fast pace and people do not hesitate to shell money to visit places abroad to have the first-hand experience of things they have read or seen on TV or internet. Thus, the visa consultancies will prosper if they are competent and provide great services to their clients.

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An Overview of Visitor Visa Consultants in Chandigarh

There are many types of visa people apply for as per their purpose of visit to numerous nations. Every country has their own norms regarding the types of visa and the procedures to be followed to get that. The most common ones are the Study visa, PR visa, tourist visa and visitor visa. Here, we will be discussing about the visitor visa and the best way possible to apply for it.Visitor visa is a type of tourist visa only which is applied to go to a foreign country to visit someone who lives there. A lot of Indians apply for this to meet their near and dear ones who live far away due to which it has become quite popular but they sometimes have to struggle a lot to get the process completed owing to the complexity of the process which is quite difficult for a normal individual to comprehend.

That is why it is advised that you contact a proficient consultant out of all the visitor visa consultants present. For this it is recommended to reach out to the Best Visitor Visa Consultants in Chandigarh which are considered to be the best.

Here is the list of some of them:

Abroad Gateway
Kaizen Crown
Visa Continental Immigration
Globbiz Overseas
Let’s find out why Abroad Gateway is on the top:

1.Deep Knowledge:

This consultancy firm has hand-picked the visa counsellors who have huge and in-depth knowledge about various types of visa. They keep themselves updated with what is happening in the world of immigration and visa at all the times so that they are able to guide their clients well and process their file accurately. For example, the importance of the invitation letter in case of visitor visa which needs to be made in the correct format and should carry all the important details of the person inviting and the person invited.

2. Long Experience:

Being in this domain for a very long time has allowed the firm to gain the relevant experience which enables them to find quick and correct solutions to the problems that might arise while preparing a case. It is rare to find visa consultants with long experience in the consultancy firms because it is only possible if the organization and visa counsellors are genuine and trustworthy and this is the strength of Abroad Gateway.

3. Eye for Detail:

The visa staff here is very sharp and scan each and every documents carefully so that there is not even a small error in them which could lead to negative outcomes. There is thorough scrutiny of the documents and forms before they are finally submitted leading to a flawless file presented to the visa officer for the approval. For instance, as all the expenses of the traveler during the stay is sponsored by the person he is visiting in visitor visa scenario, the financial proofs of the sponsor must be accurate and in the specified format, failing which you will not get the visitor visa.

4. Personal Attention:

As each case is unique and comes with specific circumstances, they are provided due response. Every case and client is important, so all are processed focusing on the specifications and circumstances. This has resulted in great client satisfaction for the organization and large client base.

5. Reliable:

Apart from all of the above, Abroad Gateway is a reliable visa consultancy which has high morals. It understands the trust its clients vest upon it and has never broken that ever. All the employees of this place go out of the way to make the visa possible and client happy. Also, the information and documents are stored and used confidentially only for the purpose it is meant for which is a great relief for its clients because in this present technological era, the personal information is misused in many ways. This trust of the applicants has always motivated the team to excel in what they do to make people happy and contented.

The aforementioned clearly indicates the reasons why it is a successful Top Tourist visa consultant in Chandigarh and why it should be your destination to meet the perfect visa guide for your visitor visa. If you wish to meet your family and friends staying overseas then do not wander here and there and come straight to Abroad Gateway, sector 42, Chandigarh for all your visa needs.

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Leading UK Study Visa Services in Chandigarh for Student Success

British are considered the most educated and evolved people in the world, this makes people curious and willing to be like them. This has resulted in the increased number of people leaving their nation and going to UK to get educated. This trend was always there in India but has increased more in past few decades, mostly in Chandigarh as it serves as a capital to two prominent states; Haryana and Punjab. The Top 7 UK study visa consultants in Chandigarh are an expert in dealing with this immigration process and if you meet them they will give you the reasons to choose UK as your study destination.There are ample of reasons for Indian students to pursue education in the United Kingdom. Some of the prominent ones are as follows:

Prestigious Universities:

The UK is known for having rich history and strong educational system. In the old days there were very few countries which had good places to study and UK was one of the topmost in that category. Since then it has maintained its status by taking the legacy forward and maintaining the standards of education across all the educational institutes. However, this does not mean that they are behind in terms of the modern educational concepts. The universities and colleges here have adopted the modern ways and technology beautifully to be at par with any modern institution. Nowadays, both the modes of education are followed there – offline and online. Students can take the online or offline mode depending upon the situation.Not just this, they have adopted the technology well and students can access various information through online platforms of the universities. They can check their scores and class schedule online whenever they want.

Something for everyone:

The UK offers courses and programs in all kind of subjects, be it STEM or Humanities or Literature or Arts. Due to the wide range of courses in all the educational fields there is something for everyone and one can choose as per the kind of profession planned. If you wish to go into the language and literature then it has a lot of courses for that and has some of the great libraries in the universities which are safeguarding the old manuscripts and study material which you cannot get anywhere. However, if you are into Science and technology then too you will have some of the best research work available to study and the world class labs to carry out the researches leading to innovation. Some of the great brains of the STEM have been here and contributed to Science by studying and working here, some of the greatest mathematicians and scientists from India also studied and worked here. Your Chance to Study in UK can pick up the most suitable one for you which will cater to all your needs.

Diverse Culture:

The United Kingdom has very diverse culture as it has a great number of immigrants from all over the world, some of them have their generations lived there. This has made the society multicultural which makes it easy for the Indian students to get adjusted in the new environment. Meeting people with common beliefs, culture, way of life, taste in food and clothing makes the place welcoming for anyone. There are many Indian societies which the Indian students can join to meet the fellow countrymen making UK homely. Due to this multicultural society, there are many Indian restaurants which serve Indian cuisine and many Indian shops which sell Indian grocery items and clothes which are very useful for the Indian students. A good UK study visa consultant will definitely tell you in detail about this and the ways to settle down fast in the new culture.

Student Friendly Environment:

The international students prefer UK to study because it has student friendly environment. The locals as well as the government support the students to get adjusted in the new place. The government has provisions and rules for the safety and care of the international students and the people offer accommodations at reasonable cost and jobs to them so that they can survive comfortably there.The above written reasons are few of the most prominent advantages of studying in the UK. If you contact the best UK study visa consultant in Chandigarh, you will be able to know more about these reasons and benefits.

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Student-Friendly Canada Students Visa Consultants in Chandigarh for Smooth Processing

Canada is the land of dream for many individuals across the globe and is the first choice of people in India to study or work as it promises a better and brighter future. A large number of students apply for student visa to study in Canada every year and many of them go there as well. The students who are able to get it easily without hassle often say that they could get it due to their Best Canada Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh which is true to a great extent as it is not very easy for an individual to carry out the process all alone. There are numerous reasons behind this fact, let’s have a look on the major ones:

Difficult to select one from huge number of options available

Canada is a very big country area wise, it is the second-largest country in the world and has ten provinces and three territories. It has many public and private colleges and universities throughout the country which offer a variety of courses for the students. It has a long list of places to study which is one reason why so many students apply every year for admission in them to study. The second reason why pupils from all over the world wish to study in Canada is that it offers great variety of courses or programs in every field available. These are the reasons which also make it challenging for an individual to select one that will prove to be fruitful for them. As every educational institution has its own positive and negative aspect for people based on their preference, that is why it is tough to make the right choice. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a professional for this job who is competent and will be able to suggest the best one analyzing the pros and cons for you. For an instance, a good student visa consultant knows that for Hospitality sector, British Columbia is the best choice. Similarly, if one wants to study Information Technology or Telecommunication then they should choose Ontario or Alberta respectively.

The rules are different for different province

As we are aware now that Study in Canada is divided into different provinces, it is obvious that there will be some differences between these. The higher education system is based on the province’s historical development, organization, and goals. Mostly the rules and regulations are same for all of them, however, there can be some variations which not everyone is aware of. It is important to know about them when you are making the choice of studying in a college or university in a particular area which only an expert consultant knows as he or she has a deep knowledge of them.For example; in Quebec the colleges are basically a pre-university course. After this you can enroll for an undergraduate program in a university which is the Bachelor’s degree. However, in all the other provinces colleges are actually community college or technical school which provide diploma, certificate or associate degree. In university you can do undergraduate or post graduate, though you need an honors degree for that.Awareness of the future course of actionA good study visa consultant is not only aware of the current benefits of the programs to guide their client well but are also aware of the future options for them. A lot of people wish to work in Canada after completion of their course to gain experience and many want to apply for permanent residency as they prefer to have a better lifestyle. Only a competent student visa consultant will be able to suggest the province or place to choose which will offer the desired course in a good institution with the option of easy and quick PR processing in the upcoming future.For example; in Saskatchewan as the population density is low due to the cold weather, it snows a lot there, the government prefers people to come and settle there. For that they actually offer 10,000 Canadian dollars to anyone who gets the PR. It is kind of a settlement benefit.Similarly, Ontario has the simplest process to apply for permanent residency. Due to which many international students prefer to study there. Also, it has strong economy which offers huge employment opportunities in every field.

Looking at all the above details, it is clear that it is important to reach out to a good study visa consultant for higher education in Canada. Thus, you should visit Abroad Gateway for this which is the best Canada study visa consultant in Chandigarh.

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IELTS Institute in Chandigarh: A Journey to Excellence

Chandigarh is known for many things like its architecture, Rose Garden, Rock Garden, Sokhna Lake, good school education and best IELTS coaching. The youth of the city and the areas around it find it most suitable to come to the city beautiful to prepare for IELTS because of the presence of some of the IELTS coaching in Chandigarh which promise great results. The institutes which have been in this field for a very long time understand all the aspects of it and therefore are able to offer the best training programs that a center in the other cities fail to do.

Comprehensive IELTS Training Programs consist of the Following Points:

These programs provide detailed education regarding the IELTS test and its significance in the process of going abroad along with extensive sessions on each module covering every question type and the skills required to attempt them. These are held in the beginning of the coaching, just post enrolment, so that the students could understand everything clearly including what the examiners wish them to show while taking the test for each module or segment.

These sessions are called foundation or orientation as students are taught the basics, making them aware of everything that they need to know to start practice.If anyone aims to achieve high band score in IELTS exam, he or she must practice rigorously. Therefore, the training courses made by the reputed IELTS institutes in Chandigarh have special place for practice and for that they have a lot of material for students to practice in the daily classes. The students in these places get a fresh test every day, so that they can experience a variety of questions and learn ways to solve them with efficiency. Other than that, the students do get the educational material in the form of spirals, books or practice material to study at home which could be utilized by them to speed up the performance.

Learning and mastering a language is impossible without the correct knowledge about the rules of grammar and a good range of vocabulary. To make someone improve the language skills, it is extremely important that the teachers teach accurate grammar to the students, that is why these programs include grammar sessions covering the important topics of grammar like sentence structure, prepositions, articles, conjunctions, tenses etc. Apart from that, as lexical resources is an important marking criteria, there are vocabulary sessions as well so that the students could learn new words to increase the range of vocab. This is useful in all the modules boosting the performance level.

Performance review is an intrinsic part of the extensive training programs run in any of the prestigious Top 5 IELTS Institute in Chandigarh because without that you cannot know how ready you are to take the final test. This assessment which is called mock test, is usually conducted once, at the end of the week, after one week’s hard practice. The results clearly show the improvement graph. This provides insight to the teachers to focus more on the topics or modules that need more attention, thereby facilitating the progress in the specific area.When aspirants start scoring the desired or more band score consistently in the mock tests, the trainer suggests to book the final IELTS test which can be booked at the center itself (a reputed and recognized IELTS coaching center in Chandigarh is authorized by the IDP to book the tests for their students).As soon as this is done, there is another type of training classes that the students have to attend which are made for exam practice. Here, the future test takers are made to attempt the tests from the mock test series, especially designed for more rigorous practice for the exam.

This makes the test takers completely exam oriented in the final days of the program, just before taking the final IELTS test, leading to better results.To sum up, such type of detailed and focused training programs provide best coaching and eventually make the aspirants eligible to go abroad to work or study. It is a small but crucial step in the long journey to have a fruitful career, thus taking it in the right direction is essential, as a lot depends on it. Hence, it is suggested that you attend the comprehensive IELTS training program in one of the reputed IELTS institutes in Chandigarh.

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Top IELTS Coaching in Chandigarh for All Skill Levels

India has the highest population in the world and the major proportion in that is of the youth which is why there is an ongoing demand for better options to study or work. The individuals who are not able to find opportunities as per their interest in the country look for them in foreign countries and for that they study hard at school to score good marks, and after that they work hard to score high bands in the IELTS test which is a very important eligibility criteria for this purpose, especially if your dream country happens to be an English speaking country like UK, USA, Australia, Canada and others.

Even though we all study this language since our initial grades, many of us are not able to develop the proficiency in the English language due to low confidence. It can be seen everywhere but this is more common for the people who study from the state boards in India because of lack of focus on that by the teachers and schools. Thus, when the students who lack in English language skills, which are in good numbers, plan to prepare for the IELTS test, they need the expert coaching of the established and professional Top 7 IELTS coaching in Chandigarh so that they could learn fast as per the requirement of the test.

Following are some of the good ones which offer classes to the IELTS aspirants.

Abroad Gateway
Grey Matters
Dolphin Head hunters
Wilwin IELTS
British IELTS
New Cambridge College
British Counsel

Let us focus on the leading IELTS institute in Chandigarh - Abroad Gateway

It is the leading IELTS institutes in Chandigarh for the comprehensive preparation to clear the IELTS exam in first go. This institute was founded with a clear vision of imparting correct coaching to the students with the aim of passing the test with desired bands and has done its job exceptionally well for more than 10 years now. It is not possible to hold any position for such a long time in this fast shifting world but this place was able to do it smoothly due to its strong commitments its cause and the below mentioned factors:

Proficient Teachers:

What made it the leading institute is the presence of teachers who are proficient in their work. They are highly qualified and have long experience which has made them the expert of the task they are assigned here. Many coaching centres in Chandigarh have the teachers who do not have enough experience and are themselves unable to use English effectively and such places waste students’ valuable time of practice. Thus, you must choose the coaching centre with great care.

Structured Approach:

This IELTS coaching centre in Chandigarh operates as per a structured plan which is specially designed keeping in mind the challenges faced by the students. Due to this it addresses all the issues of the test takers ensuring better preparation, and finally better results. The plan includes, teaching concepts, practising the tests and reviewing the performance regularly.

Strong Determination:

The centre is strongly determined to teach students to crack the IELTS test in the first attempt only, thus the team does not leave any stone unturned to achieve this common goal of all of its members. There is ample support provided by the management as well to make sure that the target is not missed. Hence, they do everything required to benefit the students, such as special sessions on grammar & vocabulary, additional practice of the modules if needed, open reading, extra session on task response and much more.

Reality Check:

No preparation is complete without regular assessments, therefore this institute conducts mock test on weekly basis for its enrolled students so that they could experience the atmosphere of the real exam. This is useful for both, the teachers as well as the students because it depicts the actual performance of the student in the exam environment; some perform better in exam anxiety and some worse. This information is crucial in taking the preparation in the right direction.In conclusion, to pass the IELTS test with flying colours it is mandatory that you get enrolled in the b is no point wasting time at other places which cannot live up to the standards. Hence, it is advised that you join the leading coaching centre which could take you closer to your goal of going abroad to live the life you have always dreamt of.

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Quality Duolingo Coaching Institutes in Chandigarh

Every year many senior secondary students dream of going to a developed country to get better education so that they can have a promising career. To achieve that they start preparing for the IELTS or PTE or other English language test so that they can have the scores needed to apply in a good university. However, by the time they take the test and have the result in hand, it gets too late for them to get a seat in their desired program which is quite demotivating for them. To avoid such a situation it is important to secure a seat for yourself but it cannot happen without the marks of an English proficiency test. In such a scenario Duolingo English Test can be of great help because it is a very short test of just one hour and can be taken from home itself after taking training from a Duolingo coaching centre.

This test’s results are declared soon too, in just a week. These scores could be used to apply to get the admission letter from a college or university that accepts it (more than five thousand of them accept it currently across the globe), however you still have to get the scores of IELTS or PTE or any other such test to apply for visa in the embassy which you can do taking more time for the preparation as they demand that. In this way you will have a seat secured for yourself so that you do not miss the intake in which you want to enroll for and your year will not be wasted.

Although DET is a short test, it is in no way too easy to attempt and definitely needs practice and preparation. There are classes available for that as well now in all the important cities known for immigration and Chandigarh is at the top of that list. It will be really rewarding if you can find a Duolingo Coaching Centre in Chandigarh.

Here is the list of some of the good ones in the market:

Abroad Gateway
Rise Global Academy
Ekal Academy

Let’s look at the top one to know about the best training possible for Duolingo:

Abroad Gateway

Abroad Gateway is an organization that provides all the services related to studying abroad or other immigration purposes under one roof for all its clients, that is why it understands the importance of Duolingo test and its training which many other institutes do not. The expert visa counsellors of this firm know how important it is to have a place secured for an intake in the preferred educational institute for a student and that is why always advise a student to go for it, especially if they have taken the decision to go abroad with a delay so that they do not get disappointed. Once the aspirant enrolls in the institute, he or she gets best coaching for it so that they can have the required scores in the first attempt only.

Training at AG:

As a student of Abroad Gateway, you get an e-book to study and complete and detailed introduction to the skills you need to learn and practice along with different question types you need to know.
Post the Introduction class, you are taught all the individual skills in detail along with the question types and the way to answer them. These skills are Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking which cover all the types of usage of any language.

The Best Duolingo Institute in Chandigarh makes sure that you get enough practice because it is must to improve the skills. For this you get the fresh material in the live classes to learn the skills. The students are given tests regularly with the mixed question types so that they get to practice all the questions asked.

The complete training is conducted online through the live classes online. This is an added benefit because the test is also taken over the computer using the camera and the microphone. The students become used to the use of computer and picks up the speed of working on it which is required at the time of taking the final exam.
So, if you too want to save your seat at the desired place of education in advance and take the DET for that, you must visit this best Duolingo coaching center in Chandigarh to have great start to your immigration process.

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Best Duolingo Courses in Chandigarh for Effective Training

Coaching is essential to excel in any if the exam, be it school exam, competitive exam, skill test or any other assessment. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you take proper coaching before you take the DET so that you are able to get good scores to be able to apply to the desired college or university to get the admission offer letter.There is a rise in the number of Top Duolingo institutes in Chandigarh that prepare students for the Duolingo English Test owing to the increased global acceptance of the test by more than 4500 educational institutes.

Below is the list of top Duolingo coaching centres in Chandigarh:

Abroad Gateway
Rise Global
Ekal Academy
ProwessI Can Edu

Abroad Gateway:

Abroad Gateway is a renowned English language coaching institute and visa consultancy firm which has been teaching English skills to students and applying for the student visa for them for a very long time now and are an expert in that. Here are the benefits of taking coaching from Abroad Gateway:

Comprehensive Coaching:

The course is very detailed and explains each attribute in detail to the students in simplified way so that they can understand them really well because that is the base of a good coaching. It covers all the skills that are required to test a language – Literacy, Comprehension, Conversation & Production which cover the basic skills tested in IELTS and PTE which are Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking. The stated skills are assessed through various question types and it is necessary that the students understand them well to be able to attempt the test and score good.

Well-designed schedule:

For a good coaching, it is imperative that the schedule is designed in a way that the aspirants could easily take out time to attend the class and practice the skills. The team Abroad Gateway has made a curriculum of 20 days which is more than enough for the DET which is a short duration test of 60 minutes. The live class takes place from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.

Day 1:

It is the Introductory Class where students are given detailed overview of Duolingo. The students are taught about all the types of questions asked along with the skills tested. It is needed that the test takers are completely aware of the skills and questions.

Day 2 to 5:

Here, the enrolled students are taught two skills out of four (Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking) per day in detail explaining the specific question types and how they can be solved or answered to score good marks.

Day 6 to 12:

Once students acquire the knowledge about the skills and the questions, they need to practice answering them as taught before. Thus from 6th to 12th day they are provided different types of questions to have rigorous practice.

Day 13:

After a little practice of all the questions, in 13th day two mini-tests are given to the students to attempt. This lets them know about their readiness for the final test.

Day 14 to 20:

In this last leg of the preparation, the test takers are put under rigorous practice for all the questions so that they could master the skills.

Free Extra Class:

There are extra free classes provided to the students who need more learning for all the grammatical aspects.

Material Provided:

The students are provided the tests to practice in the class every day based on the curriculum. Apart from that, an e-book is given to the students for learning.As Abroad Gateway is Best Duolingo institute in Chandigarh, it is authorised to book the Duolingo test for the students. The test costs $59 at present and might change in future. Once the test is booked, test taker is expected to take the test within 21 days. The results are also out with in one week’s time. If you want your score within 24 hours then you can have that with an extra payment of 15 dollars.When you have your test score you can ask the expert visa counsellors of Abroad Gateway to use that to apply to your university of choice so that you can secure a seat and get the admission letter well in advance. Meanwhile, you can practice for IELTS or PTE or TOEFL that you need for the visa application to the embassy.

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IELTS Coaching Center in Chandigarh for Personalized Study Plans

The trend to go abroad for various reasons had been prevailing for long in Chandigarh and areas around it including the states like Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh and for that the demand for good English teachers has increased in these places, but they lack in that owing to the poor education system and level. As the state boards focus less on the English language and prefer teaching in the local language, there were very few expert English teachers in these states who could teach the students to communicate comfortably with foreigners when they go abroad. It has also become a bigger challenge because the English speaking countries ask the visa applicants to submit the proof of their English proficiency level so that they are assured that they will be able to survive in their country.

The aforementioned reason led to the increase in the demand of good English teachers everywhere which were available in Chandigarh, consequently many IELTS or English teaching institutes have opened up here to cater to the high demand for the same from the study abroad aspirants. Chandigarh is the first architecturally designed city of India, which is known for its remarkable planning and design. Since its inception it was clear that it will have the best of all in each sector which was achieved to a large extent. Therefore, the level of education in the city has always been better than the rest and to have that, there was strong emphasis on the medium of teaching, style of teaching, quality of teachers and better facilities.
Due to all that, there are very good English medium schools in Chandigarh which maintain the reputation year after year by keeping their standards up, thereby producing best English teachers which are employed by the reputed institutes to teach IELTS.Although, not all of the IELTS Coaching Center in Chandigarh have maintained the high standards over the period of time, there are some reputed and established centers which have made no compromise to the level of teaching. This has resulted in the great success rate for them and their students.

The key aspects of IELTS preparation is understanding of the English language and the format of the IELTS test along with lots of practice, supported by the timely feedbacks, corrections and clarification of the doubts. The high quality IELTS preparation courses run in the IELTS coaching centers in Chandigarh ensure to cover all so that the students could score well in the first attempt only. They do not compromise on the following at any given point:

High-Quality Equipment:

The reputed Top IELTS institutes in Chandigarh have good audio system and headsets for the students to practice listening. The recoding needs to be clear so that students could understand it. Also, the headsets must be comfortable so that their ears do not hurt while listening to the recording. All the great ones invest good amount of money for this which is worth because it is better for the enrolled students.

Variety of Practice Material:

The prestigious IELTS coaching centers in Chandigarh offer a great variety of the practice material for all the four modules to make sure that students get to practice easy, moderate as well as the difficult tests. This makes them better prepared for the final IELTS test because there will be nothing that the students of the place will not be able to handle.

Highly Qualified Teachers:

The teachers employed in the highly reputed centers are well qualified with rich experience which promises better learning for the students who have enrolled in the institute. Due to the better school education standards, there are expert English teachers available and the centers who understand the significance of this factor in IELTS education, invest in best teachers available to maintain the high standard of coaching.

Great Atmosphere:

No one can deny the importance of a conducive atmosphere for learning and development in any field which you get to experience in the Best IELTS Coaching in Chandigarh. They have interactive sessions between students and teachers leading to free flow of ideas and expressions which is beneficial in the development of language skills. Unlike other places, the students are encouraged to participate in the writing discussions in the class rather than only teacher giving download to the students. This boosts students’ confidence level as well.
Overall, if you are looking forward to have best preparation for the IELTS exam, you must plan to get enrolled in one of the highly reputed coaching centers in Chandigarh so that you do not regret later that you missed the opportunity and wasted your valuable time.

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IELTS Classes in Chandigarh: Finding the Perfect Fit

Education is an important aspect of life in the modern time and this has made it quite expensive to achieve, be it school, or college or any other type of education. Education sector has grown leaps and bounds over the past few decades making the institutes or education providers a growing business. Yes, you heard me right, they have become a very lucrative businesses and earn a lot of profits. That is not all, they are run on business models to make them more profitable. In such an environment, learning anything efficiently is very expensive for a lot of people, especially people who plan to study for clearing an exam or test which is more valuable for their career. One of them is IELTS test which is taken by many youngsters who plan to study abroad or move permanently to an English speaking country. As IELTS is one of the important requirements to offer the letter of enrolment by the reputed universities, students want to score as high as possible and for that they take coaching from the various IELTS coaching centers which are opened in many cities. Also, students prefer to prepare for IELTS test in Chandigarh due to the availability of quality education which is absolutely true. However, coaching in Chandigarh comes with a big price because of high demand.

There are ample
IELTS institutes in Chandigarh which run multiple batches for IELTS preparation and charge a good amount for that. But, there is nothing to be disappointed as in this materialistic times also there are few IELTS coaching centers in Chandigarh who value education and dreams more than money, you just need to take the step forward to locate them and begin your IELTS practice with positive energy, one of them which is highly reputed is Abroad Gateway situated in sector 42 of Chandigarh. How to have quality education in budget: Monthly Fee:It is important to know about the admission fee and then the monthly fee for the coaching. The first fee or admission fee is sometimes more because it also includes the price of the study material and equipment issued to the students like headphone for listening practice.

Duration of the coaching:

It is a very big misconception that it is a fixed time coaching. As IELTS is a test of English and students have to practice the right way to become efficient to take that test so well that they definitely get the desired bands, it needs more practice. The time required for coaching completely depends upon the student’s current English skills and the amount of efforts made for that. Someone with decent English could do it in a month and someone with poor skills might do it in 3 months. If you make efforts and do hard work, you can reduce the duration of the coaching thereby reducing the price. Discounts:Most of the IELTS centers run discounts from time to time, like on months with festivals like Independence Day, Republic Day, Diwali etc. It is beneficial to know about them so that you can make use of them to reduce your fee.

Mode of Teaching:

To have affordable coaching from an institute you can opt for the online coaching rather than offline coaching. Bbecause in the online coaching there is less investment from the institute, therefore the cost of education is less. All the reputed centers have this option available for the students so that they can have quality coaching through online medium. All you need for this is a computer and headphone. Mock Tests:It proves to be beneficial to take regular mock tests when you are preparing for any important test or exam. Therefore, many
IELTS Coaching Center in Chandigarh conduct that in the centers weekly. If you are learning online, you can still take this test by paying a minimal fee once or twice a month to check your performance level. Value for money:What are you getting in the fee that you are paying makes it worth paying, thus you must check about it. You can cut down the fee by removing the things you do not need, for instance headphones or stationary or bag which the institutes give as the starter kit. However, do not give away the study material as that it important. To conclude, it is definitely possible to have good coaching in reasonable amount in Chandigarh. The above ways could help you to have that, however you can also get enrolled in the IELTS Classes in Chandigarh like Abroad Gateway, which provide high quality preparation in low cost to the deserving candidates, but you must have the dedication and zeal for it to earn that offer.

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Affordable IELTS Coaching in Chandigarh with Excellent Outcomes

Abroad Gateway is a highly professional IELTS coaching institute in Chandigarh which has been delivering quality training to the IELTS aspirants for more than ten years and is committed to keep doing that in future too. It was established after a detailed research and analysis of the IELTS industry in Chandigarh which clearly showed that it lacked in few aspects which are quite important in the IELTS preparation process. Being the qualified and certified IELTS trainer, the founder of the organization is an expert in the teaching methodologies, which she utilized to design the teaching plan which incorporated the solutions to all the challenges faced by the students while preparing for their IELTS test. This has resulted in the great success for the students as well as the institute making it the most efficient IELTS coaching center in Chandigarh.

In addition to IELTS, the institute offers other vital services to all its students which makes the whole study abroad process very convenient and seamless. These include career counselling, visa counselling, visa application preparation, documentation, loan assistance, travel arrangements after receiving the visa and much more. This takes away a very big load off the chest of their clients so that they could have peace of mind.

Here is what you get if you enroll yourself in Abroad Gateway:

Reasonable Cost:

Studying at Abroad Gateway is quite affordable as compared to other reputed Best IELTS institutes in Chandigarh. This is because the fee is kept minimal so that no student hesitates to get enrolled to study, as the main motto of the center is ‘education for all’. Along with that, there are great discounts offered to students on special occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day, Diwali, Holi, Rakshabandhan etc. IELTS aspirants can utilize them to save money and prepare for their IELTS exam.

Convenient Batch Time:

In the present time, everyone is busy and trying to accomplish multiple tasks at the same time, therefore it becomes difficult to take out time for other important things, therefore the center has morning and evening batches so that students could study as per their schedule. For example; many students either go to college or work in the morning, they could come to the institute in the evening to practice for IELTS.

Well-structured Curriculum:

The best part of studying at Abroad Gateway is the structured teaching plan that they have designed especially for the fast improvement of the students’ performance. It is the reason for their high success rate. Below are the main features of their curriculum:

Foundation Class:

These are conducted in the beginning of the course where the students are taught all the rules, formats and required skills to attempt the IELTS test paper. All four modules; Reading, Listening, Writing & Speaking are explained in detail including the question types, time management strategies and other tips & tricks to solve the test paper and score well.

Practice Class:

Post the above class, the students are made to practice one complete set of IELTS test every day by implementing the learnings of the foundation class. Their performance is checked and doubts are cleared the same day so that there is better performance the next day.

Mock tests:

To assess the improvement, the students have to take one mock test each week. This provides insight to teachers and the students about the weak areas which need more work so that the same could be done.Special Sessions: Apart from the above, there are special sessions conducted for the test takers on grammar, vocabulary, errors made by them or individual module where students need more support. Expert Teaching Staff:The teachers at the center are handpicked considering the important factors like skills and experience, which is why they have the finest ones who ensure to provide great learning experience to the students and improving English language skills as a whole which proves to be beneficial when they have to live and study abroad. To conclude, the best way to prepare for any test is to practice and prepare in the right direction which could only be shown by the experts of the field. Thus, it is necessary to join the Top 5 IELTS Classes in Chandigarh if you wish to prepare for IELTS in the city beautiful.

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A Comprehensive Review of IELTS Coaching in Chandigarh

English is a global language in this modern era and is required in every field, this has led to the inclination of young adults towards learning it efficiently so that they can get ahead in the competition which is very high. This becomes even more crucial in case you wish to complete your higher education from an English speaking country like the USA, UK, Australia and many others. Such countries have made good knowledge and usage of English compulsory to allow foreigners to come to their country for either studying or working so that they do not face challenges related to language barrier after reaching. To prove the English proficiency there are some tests available which are accepted by the authorities, such as IELTS, PTE, TOEFL or Duolingo, out of all of them IELTS is accepted by most of the universities as well as the embassies for student visa application. The students or working professionals who wish to go abroad, take coaching before they sit for the IELTS test to achieve the desired bands in the first attempt only because it is an expensive test, the current price is 17000 INR. The leading city for the IELTS coaching is undoubtedly Chandigarh and it has successfully held this position for a long time.

There are innumerable IELTS Coaching in Chandigarh which are spread in different corners of it, IELTS aspirants choose one of them as per their convenience. It is obvious that when quantity increases, the quality decreases, therefore it is not wrong to state that only few reputed IELTS coaching centers in Chandigarh have been able to maintain their quality over the period of time, making it difficult for students to choose the right institute.

Below is the list of the top IELTS institutes in Chandigarh in the current year:

Abroad Gateway
Dolphin Head Hunters
IBT Overseas
New Cambridge College
British Counsel
English Mentor
Grey Matters

Reasons making them the best:

To achieve a goal is hard, but to sustain that achievement is harder. The top IELTS institutes in Chandigarh have maintained their position with mindful thinking and great efforts. Let’s dig deep to know what they do for it:

Multiple Batches:

The best players in the industry understand that everyone has a hectic schedule these days and many of them try to manage multiple tasks in one day, which is why sometimes it is not possible for them to sneak out to attend a 4-5 hour’s long class. To solve this issue, they run multiple batches to teach IELTS trying to accommodate as many students as they could. This is highly useful for the working professionals or college goers.

Availability of all the Mediums of Teaching:

To make the coaching more accessible for the students, the IELTS coaching Chandigarh have offline and online modes of teaching IELTS. In case the schedule is tight, it becomes difficult to travel to the center to study, such students could study online from wherever they are. It has been quite effective for students from the other places to study without paying the rent and other expenses of living in Chandigarh to practice for IELTS.

Affordable Cost:

To transform dreams into reality, the reputed IELTS institutes in Chandigarh try to make it affordable for all by offering discounts on special occasions. The motive behind that is to allow the students who hesitate to study due to the fee.


To be able to reach the coaching center everyday on time to attend the class is extremely important. Therefore, the considerate institutes have their centers nearby an important public transportation hub like the main bus stands, as it becomes easy for students to reach there.

Well Planned Curriculum:

The highly significant aspect of these IELTS institutes is that they have well designed teaching plan which covers everything, right from the basics to the higher level practice, feedbacks and doubt clearing sessions.

Regular Assessments:

Checking the performance level from time to time is extremely vital to the preparation because it lets you know the current level which pushes the preparation in the right direction. Hence, weekly mock tests are a mandatory part of the coaching.

Special Sessions:

They do conduct special sessions of various topics of grammar, vocabulary, formats etc. to enhance the language level and performance. Apart from that, if any student needs extra support or practice, it is provided unconditionally. To sum up, the aforementioned explains why the top notch IELTS Institutes Chandigarh are the best places to study for IELTS exam. So, if you too are planning to take that step in life, visit the best ones only.

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How Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh Handle Family Visas

Asking the right questions at the right time has its own significance in providing better insight and knowledge about the matter. It is also necessary for making a sagacious decision, especially in the matters related to future. Hence, it is advised that you research a little before you meet the visa consultant in Chandigarh for the counselling regarding your study abroad process because you must understand everything clearly.

1.What will be the Best course/career: The first and foremost question that you ought to ask from the visa consultant is the most suitable career for you as per your interests, previous scores and future prospects. It is the fundamental question as rest of the questions depend on this. If you have reached the right place and have the expert consultant then he or she will tell you about the fields which are and will be most promising so that you have a fruitful professional life, after all that is the ultimate goal of the abroad education. Once that is done, you must ask about the suitable course or program that you should pursue in that field so that you have countless opportunities later when you start working.

2.Which is the best country: There are many countries offering courses in all the fields but you have to choose the one that is recognized for the course you plan to do and has a favorable environment for you to survive without the family along with performing well in the studies. The country which is multi-cultural and has policies or rules making it convenient for the foreigners to live a comfortable life should be the preferred one. Of course, you cannot ignore the cost of living and education as money matters a lot.

3.Which is the Best University:As per the choice of the career, course and country, it is important to choose a reputed university so that your degree has more value globally. Various universities or colleges are popular for certain specific programs, though they teach all the fields. Therefore, you must pick the one which has great reputation for your chosen course and field. An experienced visa consultant in Chandigarh is capable enough to guide you regarding this as they have great knowledge about all the educational places.

4.What is the Eligibility Criteria: After the above decisions are made, it is time to ask for the eligibility criteria to get admission and visa. You should ask about all of them so that you know what needs to be done to get the enrolment. For instance, countries and universities have their own band requirements for the IELTS (English proficiency test) scores.

5.Funds needed: The biggest factor is the availability of funds so you ought to be clear about that. Do enquire about the complete cost of education and its break-up (tuition fee, living expenses etc.). If you are talking to an experienced and reputed Visa Consultant in Chandigarh, he or she will tell you about the ways to have the required funds. Firstly, they will make you aware about the scholarships available for you to reduce the cost of education and secondly, they can assist you to get the education loan from a reliable resource. Also, they can tell you about the rules related to working while pursuing the education to cover the cost of living if needed such as the number of work hours permitted in semester time as well as in semester break.

6.What Documents are needed: How can you not ask about the documentation required for the whole process? It is extremely important to have all the required paperwork in the appropriate formats while applying for enrolment letter as well as the visa.

7.Consultant’s fee: Do ask about the fee they charge for the whole process. This will give you clarity about how reliable they are. They must charge for the services provided and nothing else.

8.What all services are provided by them: It is always better to learn about the various services they offer to their clients as this information is crucial. A successful Visa Advisor in Chandigarh provides end to end services like coaching for IELTS, assistance for loan, writing the SOP, applying to university for enrolment letter, applying to embassy for visa, preparing for visa interview if needed, making travel plans etc.

9.In how many days you will get the visa: It helps to know the approximate time to get the visa so that you are better prepared for the next step which is making travel plans.As an applicant and client of the Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh, you should ask the above questions before moving forward with the process.

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Choosing the Right Visa Consultant in Chandigarh for Your Needs

Chandigarh is a small city which is located near Punjab and Haryana and serves as the capital for both the states. It is also famous for its plan and design which was created by the highly respected architect Le Corbusier. The construction of Chandigarh was the dream of the first Prime Minister of India, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and it was executed very well, till today there is no match of the plan of Chandigarh. It was made sure that the city has the best of everything so that people who live here feel blessed, this has come true in many aspects of life including the availability of the best visa consultants in India.

Let’s have a look at the reasons why it is home to some of the best visa consultants in the country:

Capital of two states:

Chandigarh is the joint capital of Punjab and Haryana, so for all the important paperwork people sometimes have to come to the city and when they do so for going abroad, it becomes easy for them to consult someone in the same city so that they do not have to do unnecessary running around between cities. Also, youth of Punjab and Haryana is quite experimenting and does not hesitate to try out new things. They have awareness about the opportunities abroad and are willing to take that risk with the complete support of their families. Due to this there is a very high demand of Visa Consultants in Chandigarh.

Old Trend in the region:

It is an old trend in the states of Punjab and Haryana to go abroad. It has been happening for a long time now and due to this, at least one member from almost every family had gone abroad to either study or work and have established themselves well in the foreign land. Taking their example, others too wish to accomplish what they had and that is why the trend is still going strong in these parts of the country. Also, men and women equally desire to go abroad which makes a very high population of migrators seeking professional help in the city.

Best English Proficiency Tests’ coaching:

The city Chandigarh is known for its school education in English medium which leads to the availability of good English teachers who are able to help the study abroad aspirants to prepare for the English language tests, such as IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, Duolingo etc. These students prefer to get the visa application preparation and other tasks done while they are preparing for their language test as it saves a lot of their precious time.

Long Experience:

Owing to the long experience in the immigration sector, the Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh have very useful practical knowledge regarding various processes involved. This gives them an edge over others making them the best. They have gained expertise in handling difficult and critical cases, which is why they are able to assure their clients about the visa approval. They have answers to all the technical, theoretical and practical questions and thus prove to be of great help.

Accurate Career Counselling:

The main purpose of going to a foreign country is to have a lucrative career and for that it is necessary that you take the right decision at present. As the consultants of the city are well aware of the employment prospects of different courses in varied fields due to their knowledge and experience, they are the best ones to provide guidance related to that.

Multiple Services:

Understanding the hassle that their clients have to go through while getting things done for the visa application, they offer multiple services which make the process smooth and seamless leading to hassle free processing for the clients. These services cover document preparation, writing the statement of purpose, getting the loan, preparing for IELTS or other tests, applying for the financial assistance which is also called scholarship and many other important services. All in all, the Visa Advisor in Chandigarh are regarded as the best because of the above reasons. For people planning to go to a foreign country, it is recommended that they consult one of them regardless of the purpose of visit if they wish to have guaranteed results without any challenge.  

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The Role of Technology in Visitor Visa Consultancy in Chandigarh

If you are planning to migrate to abroad on a tourist Visa, visitor Visa and super visa you need to hire a tourist visa consultant in Chandigarh. Abroad Gateway is expertise in applying for the tourist visa as we have years of experience in the same. Tourist visa is categorized into three categories such as:

Tourist visa
Visitor visa
Super Visa

Tourist Visa:

With this type of visa, students who are abroad and want to invite their parents and relatives. The duration of the tourist visa is six months and probably till the passport validity.Visitor visa:With this visa, you will have a sponsor who will call you he might be your friend and relative. Moreover, your sponsor will cover the accommodation and food expenses and he also needs to show the funds in his account managed by Tourist Visa Consultants in Chandigarh.

Super visa:

This type of visa is specifically for Canada only in which grandparents and parents can go to their grandchild and son if he has PR of the Canada. The duration of the Visa is till the passport validity. The single stay is up to five years, if both parents are going they need to show the individual funds in both of their accounts the average amount is 7-8 lakhs per person.

When a person comes to us to apply for a tourist visa:

Profile assessment:

In this, we first understand the profile of the client and get all the details such as why they want to apply for a tourist visa, and whether are they eligible for the tourist visa. After getting all the details we provide him the checklist of the documents which are required to apply for the tourist visa by Visitor Visa Consultants in Chandigarh.
Documents required for the tourist visa from Canada:
Passport of the relative
Citizen card
Job letter of the inviter
The bank balance certificate of the inviter
Invitation letter
Rent/own house agreement of inviter
Documents required from the Indian applicant:
Passport of the applicant
Appointment letter or the experience letter if working
Funds – account statement for the last three months
The checklist we provide may vary from case to case.
After that, we book a hotel and ticket booking which would be according to your stay.
Itinerary: In this, you need to make the travel plan for every or every hotel booking which is made by your consultant as they have experience with it and have made it for several clients over many years.
After collecting the documents from both parties your consultant will lodge your file.
At the time of lodging the file, you need to pay the embassy fee which is $100 and the biometric fee approximately $85.If it is a visitor visa then you need the documents such as an invitation come sponsor letter.The sponsor person will mention the details of himself, and cover the accommodation and food expenses.Ultimately he will give surety that he will bear the expenses of his parents.After that, he will submit the passport, and bank balance certificate.Status proof: In this, the person who is sponsoring will show the status in terms of providing a PR card.Job proof or experience letter if he is working.Documents checklist may vary from person to person.Then your consultant will upload your file.The average decision period is 4-6 weeks.Then your consultant will create a GC key.After that, your biometric letter will arrive, after receiving this you can select the date for the biometric.Then you need to go to the biometrics office to submit your biometrics.Now you need to wait for the decision.Once you receive your decision, they will send you a PPR request which stands for passport request.Then your passports will be picked up for stamping and dropped at the given address.This was the last step after receiving your passport with the visa stamping you are ready to fly.Abroad Gateway is an expert in applying for the tourist visa and has a 100% success rate in it. We have a dedicated and experienced team that handles the client's cases with dedication and considers clients' dreams as their own because it will give them inner satisfaction. Our team is very experienced and has expertise in handling complicated cases.
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What to Look for in a Visa Consultant in Chandigarh?

Visa consultants or immigration consultants are the people or organizations guiding and assisting the visa aspirants to apply for their visa so that they could get it approved and go overseas to pursue their dreams. It is often said these days applying for any kind of visa is a piece of cake as all the information regarding the processes, eligibility, documents etc. is available on the website of the respective embassy, therefore there is no need to consult anyone, however, this statement is only half correct. Even today, despite all the advancements in technology and availability of information, the role of visa consultants is very significant, especially the ones operational in Chandigarh.
The Visa Consultants in Chandigarh play a very special and distinct role in the visa application process which has its own significance. Here is how they make things easier for their clients:

Explaining the process:

The Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh are the professionals who have worked extensively in the immigration sector for a very long time and thus understand the process, policies and regulations completely, making them the best in the market. These agents are well versed with the technical terminology used to explain the procedures on the embassy’s websites as they use it regularly while carrying out various processes. Therefore, when you approach them, they explain you the whole process in simple language along with the terms used to refer certain things and steps involved in the process so that you understand the process clearly, thereby removing all the ambiguity.

Highlighting the merits & Demerits:

Being in the same profession for a very long span of time, the immigration consultants have awareness and knowledge about the benefits and drawbacks of various options, therefore they can provide appropriate guidance to the applicants. For instance, if an applicant wants to get enrolled for a specific field in a particular country, the consultant can explain the pros and cons of that choice, thus helping the aspirant to make the right decision.

Preparation of documents:

Each country has its own specifications regarding the information they need in any document along with the guidelines for the authorized signatory. These details are not available with everyone but an experienced consultant functional in the city beautiful knows this very well and could be of great help while preparing the documents so that the visa application does not get rejected due to improper documents.

Regularly Following-up:

It is extremely important to keep following up on anything that you do because that tells you about the progress and helps to move things fast, hence the consultants in Chandigarh are proactive enough to follow up on the progress ensuring the processing of the application. Along with this, they keep the clients informed about all the progress so that they can be relaxed about it. It also helps to do the needful at each stage on time, expediting the process.

Practice Transparency:

The most critical part in any process are the monetary transactions which are always under the scanner due to various frauds happening in the present time. However, hiring a reputed Visa Advisor in Chandigarh gives you peace of mind in this case. They explain every transaction and ask you to do it yourself, they only charge you for the services you have taken from them. This makes them highly reliable and trustworthy.

Assistance for Funds:

It is not uncommon to have shortage of funds when people plan to go abroad as it is an expensive affair. Many times due to the lack of sufficient funds applicants drop the idea of going abroad, in such cases the trusted immigration consultants in Chandigarh could come for your rescue by helping you out to get loans easily from a reliable and authorized resource. This is especially useful for the students who wish to go to a foreign country tostudy so that they could build a great career.  To summarize, no doubt educated individuals could do many things on their own, yet there are some things which are better left on experts as there is no match to the work that they could do. Hence, it is wise to consult the expert immigration consultants in Chandigarh for all the visa needs as it will deliver the desired results.

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How to Find Affordable Visa Consultants in Chandigarh?

Professional consultation is the key to long term success and that is why it is recommended by all the experts. When it comes to visa consultation, it is even more important that you take advice from an expert of the field as it has a lot of factors to consider.

There are numerous immigration firms established in India to render various services related to visa to their clients, however the Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh are supposed to be the best in the industry. This has resulted in the high numbers of the visa applicants coming to Chandigarh for all their visa needs hoping to have the best services and treatment available in the present time. Consequently, a lot of consultation firms have been established in the city catering to the high demand. This is good for the industry but poses challenges to the visa aspirants as they become confused and clueless about choosing the right one. Thus, you must know what to look for while choosing a Visa Consultant in Chandigarh for visa application process, here is a brief account of that:


To prevent yourself from falling into the trap of fake and fraudulent visa consultants, it is required that the first thing you check is their credentials, which means whether or not they have the authorization to provide visa consultation to people. You can find out about this from either their website or online search. All the genuine and credible visa consultants in Chandigarh keep this information open for public as there is nothing to hide about.

Duration of existence:

Another important detail to consider is their existence in the field. You should enquire for how long they have been operational, as it shows that they are genuine and could be trusted. Apart from this, a consultancy which has long experience in the field has seen all types of scenarios and cases and they are more capable to handle even the most critical of the cases. The rich experience makes them more resourceful to find out solutions to all types of issues and challenges that crop up time to time while processing an application.

Consultation Fee:

In this materialistic world, everything comes with a price, so is the professional consultation in any field. It is an important factor and must be known before hiring a visa consultant in Chandigarh because that shows how trustworthy they are. Any organization which offers free service cannot and should not be trusted because no one works for charity, there must be some hidden costs that you will not be aware about before hiring them. There is a genuine and decent amount that is charged as a fee to avail services offered by the consultants, you can choose the one which clearly mentions that and explains its break up as well.


It takes great knowledge to accomplish a task with perfection, so you ought to check the consultant’s awareness of the trends and prospects along with the deep understanding of the immigration policies and procedures of various countries. This could be done in the initial counselling session where you can ask relevant questions face to face and observe if better and logical answers are being given or not. Also, if there is hesitation in answering a question or the answers lack clarity then you must not trust such a place.

Dedicated Departments:

Achieving success in any task is commendable and if it is in the visa consultancy field then it deserves even more credit as it is a very volatile sector. Rules and policies keep on changing and one has to stay updated to act accordingly on time to accomplish the job. A successful Visa Advisor in Chandigarh is able to do that efficiently because it has dedicated in house departments for different tasks like admission, filing etc. They do not depend on the outside support for their activities and have experts in their team who are self-sufficient to carry out the processes as per the requirement. To sum up, it is mandatory that you look at the above factors while choosing an immigration consultant in Chandigarh for your visa application process because of the stated reasons. Your dream and ambition are important and you must not leave any stone unturned to achieve them, hence it is advised that you make the right choice while hiring the visa consultant.

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How to Prepare for Your Meeting with a Visa Advisor in Chandigarh?

There are various types of visa that people apply for depending upon their purpose to travel abroad and as per the type of visa the process to apply for it also varies. Your very own visa consultancy Abroad Gateway which is situated in sector 42, Chandigarh deals in all of them, so you need not go anywhere for any visa because it can handle all for you.

Following are the various visa that applicants apply for:

Student Visa:

It is the most common type of visa which is applied by the youngsters to go abroad for pursuing their higher education. The applicants for this range from school goers (senior secondary) to the adults planning to do post-graduation or PHD. In this case firstly you need to apply to a selected foreign university for the preferred course or program to get the offer letter for enrolment. Till the time you do not have this, you cannot apply for the visa. Also, you have to present the evidence for available funds which is the most important factor here and if you do not have enough of that, you can apply for the education loan easily. It does need you to clear an English language proficiency test to be able to prove that you will be able to communicate comfortably in the new country.There are a lot of Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh that deal with that but it is always good to choose the best for it which is none other than your own Abroad Gateway which can help you prepare for the language tests, apply for loan if required and then carry out the process of application of the visa.

Permanent Residency Visa:

This visa is pursued by the individuals who wish to go to a foreign country for employment. This can be applied for if you have the job in hand or not. In this category a person moves with the family and settles down in the new nation so that the family can live together. Here you need to have enough funds to support yourself and your family. A lot of people who are employed in any MNC are also sponsored by their organisations to move abroad to be stationed in their branch located in a foreign nation. This also needs you to clear the language skills test because communication is essential for you to excel in your profession. Being the best Visa Consultant in Chandigarh, Abroad Gateway can help you to pass that too.Spouse Visa:This type of visa is usually for the spouses of the people who are going to a nation to study and want their spouse accompany them. The spouse has the freedom to work in any sector because they get the open work permit. This is also a way to get the permanent residency eventually as the primary and the secondary applicant both can apply for the PR visa while living in that country.

Tourist Visa:

The purpose of this visa is tourism. People who want to go abroad to explore various places apply for this. In this type of visa you are accountable for all your expenses and actions. You are supposed to share your complete itinerary and proof of finances when you apply for this.

Visitor Visa:

This is similar to the previous one but here the applicant is going overseas to meet someone. The person you are visiting sponsors the applicant and that is why there is no need to show any proof of funds or travel details as the sponsor is responsible for you. For instance, when you are living abroad and you want your family members or relatives to come and visit you then they will need to apply for this visa. For all above types of visa you need to hire the best immigration consultant in Chandigarh which deals with all as sometimes you need to mix two for the final goal. For example; if you are going as a student and want your spouse to go with you then you will need to apply for the student visa as well as the spouse visa. There are countless Visa Advisor in Chandigarh but you need to do thorough research about them before hiring them or you can straight away contact the team Abroad Gateway.

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A Step-by-Step Guide For Choosing the Right Visa Consultants in Chandigarh

Professional consultation is the key to long term success and that is why it is recommended by all the experts. When it comes to visa consultation, it is even more important that you take advice from an expert of the field as it has a lot of factors to consider. There are numerous immigration firms established in India to render various services related to visa to their clients, however the Visa Consultants in Chandigarh are supposed to be the best in the industry. This has resulted in the high numbers of the visa applicants coming to Chandigarh for all their visa needs hoping to have the best services and treatment available in the present time. Consequently, a lot of consultation firms have been established in the city catering to the high demand. This is good for the industry but poses challenges to the visa aspirants as they become confused and clueless about choosing the right one. Thus, you must know what to look for while choosing a Visa Consultant in Chandigarh for visa application process, here is a brief account of that:


To prevent yourself from falling into the trap of fake and fraudulent visa consultants, it is required that the first thing you check is their credentials, which means whether or not they have the authorization to provide visa consultation to people. You can find out about this from either their website or online search. All the genuine and credible visa consultants in Chandigarh keep this information open for public as there is nothing to hide about.

Duration of existence:

Another important detail to consider is their existence in the field. You should enquire for how long they have been operational, as it shows that they are genuine and could be trusted. Apart from this, a consultancy which has long experience in the field has seen all types of scenarios and cases and they are more capable to handle even the most critical of the cases. The rich experience makes them more resourceful to find out solutions to all types of issues and challenges that crop up time to time while processing an application.

Consultation Fee:

In this materialistic world, everything comes with a price, so is the professional consultation in any field. It is an important factor and must be known before hiring a visa consultant in Chandigarh because that shows how trustworthy they are. Any organization which offers free service cannot and should not be trusted because no one works for charity, there must be some hidden costs that you will not be aware about before hiring them. There is a genuine and decent amount that is charged as a fee to avail services offered by the consultants, you can choose the one which clearly mentions that and explains its break up as well.


It takes great knowledge to accomplish a task with perfection, so you ought to check the consultant’s awareness of the trends and prospects along with the deep understanding of the immigration policies and procedures of various countries. This could be done in the initial counselling session where you can ask relevant questions face to face and observe if better and logical answers are being given or not. Also, if there is hesitation in answering a question or the answers lack clarity then you must not trust such a place.

Dedicated Departments:

Achieving success in any task is commendable and if it is in the visa consultancy field then it deserves even more credit as it is a very volatile sector. Rules and policies keep on changing and one has to stay updated to act accordingly on time to accomplish the job. A successful visa consultant in Chandigarhis able to do that efficiently because it has dedicated in house departments for different tasks like admission, filing etc. They do not depend on the outside support for their activities and have experts in their team who are self-sufficient to carry out the processes as per the requirement. To sum up, it is mandatory that you look at the above factors while choosing an Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh for your visa application process because of the stated reasons. Your dream and ambition are important and you must not leave any stone unturned to achieve them, hence it is advised that you make the right choice while hiring the visa consultant.

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How to Choose the Best New Zealand Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh?

These days it has become the dream of many students to migrate overseas for higher studies, if you are planning for the same and haven’t select any country to move you need to hire the Best New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh which is none other than Abroad Gateway, this blog is for you as we are going to guide which is the best country to move for higher studies as per the current scenario. As Canada and Australia has made few changes regarding the student visa which has made it difficult for the students to get the student Visa Consultants in chandigarh of these countries so as per the current situation you should opt for the New Zealand, so let’s discuss why you should choose New-Zealand to apply for the student visa:First of all, all the New-Zealand universities are ranked in the top 500 as per the QS world ranking 2023.New Zealand is the second- most peaceful country worldwide, a rank it has enjoyed since 2014 which is also known as Global Peace index 2022.Official languages of New- Zealand are English and Maori.Students can twenty hours/week part time during classes and 40 hours/week during holidays.

The min. wage is NZD 21.20 per hour.Post study work visa up to 36 monthsPopular programs offered in the fields of business, management, Tourism and hospitality, Civil and construction, engineering, finance, supply chain and logistics, Health science and nursing.

There are three types of educational institutes in the New Zealand:

UniversitiesInstitutes of technology and polytechnics

Private Tertiary and Training Establishments
.Different levels of education system in New- Zealand:

Institutes have four different levels:

Secondary school
Private training Establishments
Institute of Technology and Polytechnics

Qualifications have five different levels:

DiplomasBachelor degrees which are also known as graduate certificate and diplomas.Bachelor honors degrees which are also known as post graduate certificates and diplomas.Masters degreesDoctoral degrees

Intakes and deadlines of the universities:

There are generally two intakes in New-Zealand: February and July, and if you want to get admission in the New- Zealand universities you need to keep in mind the deadlines if these two intakes.However, ITPs and private Institutes have multiple intakes for different courses.Hence, practically there is an intake almost every month in some or the other institution resulting in recruitment throughout the year.There is no deadline as much as in New Zealand, but it is recommended to make applications at least six months prior to the start date to avoid last moment hassles.

Entry requirements to apply for the New Zealand student visa:

To get admission in the two years of undergraduate diploma you need to score 50-55% in the 12thTo get admission in the bachelor degree of three years you need to score 60% and above in 12thTo get admission in the graduate diploma of one year you need to score 50% and above in bachelor degree.To get admission in PG diploma of one year you need to score 60% and above in Bachelor degree.To get admission in the master degree of one or two year you need to score 65% and above in bachelor.

English language proficiency requirements:

In this, as you know that to get admission in any foreign universities of any country you need to appear for the language proficiency test such as IELTS or PTE. Universities have set different eligibility criteria for the different levels of courses:For under-graduate diplomas, you need to score overall 6.0 not less than 5.5.For bachelor’s level course, you need to score overall 6.0 not less than 5.5.For graduate diplomas, you need to score 6.5 overall not less than 6.0.For Post graduate diplomas, you need to score 6.5 overall not less than 6.0.For masters level program you need to score 6.5 overall not less than 6.0.So above we tried to explain the entire education system of the New Zealand, but to get admission in the desired university you need to hire the best New-Zealand Visa Consultant in Chandigarh.

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Choosing the Right New Zealand Visa Consultants in Chandigarh for Your Application

If you have also made your mind to move abroad for higher studies and in dilemma situation to choose the best country to move, this blog is for you as we are going to recommend the best country to move for higher studies. To choose the best country for migration you need to hire the Best New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh as he is the person who can guide how this country would be the option for you to get the foreign education. New Zealand is opted by many of the students these days, as New Zealand is known for providing quality of the education to the students in economical range. Moreover, when you study in the top most universities, they will provide you numerous research options, and opportunities for adventure and exploration.

Let’s have look at the benefits of studying in the New Zealand:

There are numerous reasons why studying in New Zealand would be beneficial for you as you are not only getting the top notch quality of education from world’s topmost universities, you will have experience goof living standard and civic sense. We have listed some highlights of studying in the New Zealand at Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh

Study in reputed universities:

New Zealand has 500 world’s topmost universities which are known for providing quality of education to the students with the research facilities in which you will not only learn the core concepts but also get the opportunity to research on the same. Moreover, universities of the New Zealand are highly ranked in the QS ranking chart such as the university of Auckland is having 68 rank in QS ranking system, as these universities make sure to maintain the ideal student and teacher ratio and provides a blend of the knowledge to the students by giving equal importance to the practical as well a theoretical education.

Excellent quality of education:

If you are studying in the universities of the New Zealand as thru have a strict quality assurance check in the public universities, so you will get the quality of education in the well equipped labs from the well- experienced professors. Moreover, these universities are known for the unique teaching methodologies and once you complete your education from New Zealand it will be recognized all over the world.

Wide range of courses with a focus on innovation:

Universities of the New Zealand will provide you the wide range of courses in the various fields such as agriculture, engineering, health care, physics, geology and computer science and astronomy in which they focus on innovation and research, students can choose any of the courses as per their interest.

Affordable tuition and living expenses:

The universities of the New Zealand provide you quality of the education at the affordable price as the tuition fee of New Zealand universities are low as  compare to other countries universities such as Canada and USA. Moreover, New Zealand universities provide scholarships to the international students as per their academic performance.

Cost of living:

In the New Zealand, the cost of living is low as compare to the other countries, which make New Zealand the ideal destination for international students to move for higher studies.

Work while you study:

New Zealand allows you to work up to 20 hours per week during their course and full time during vacations, moreover, New Zealand provide good amount of money per working hour which will help international students to bear their daily life expenses.

Stay back after your education in the New Zealand:

It is allowed to stay back in the New Zealand for up to three years after completing your studies, the time period is depends on the duration of the course which you have studied in the New Zealand.Job opportunities:Once, you complete your studies in the New Zealand you will get the numerous job opportunities moreover, New Zealand government guides you how to get all these high paid jobs. To avail all the above the services ,you need to hire the best New Zealand Visa Consultant in Chandigarh which will help to avail all these services as it demands the tie –ups with topmost universities of the New Zealand.

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Top-Ranked New Zealand Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh

If you are also dreaming to get your education from one of the Top most university of the world, you need to hire the best New Zealand student visa consultant in the Chandigarh which will guide how New- Zealand would be the right option for to make your dream come true. Best New Zealand Study Visa Consultant in Chandigarh is for the students who are for the students who want to complete their higher studies from the New Zealand for which the maximum time period is 4 years. However, if you are a distance learner you can also move to New Zealand on student visa and avail all the services as the regular students. Moreover, once you student visa of New-Zealand you are eligible to work as part time for about twenty hours week with your classes but full time during vacation through the Best Visa Consultant in Chandigarh

The documents requirements for a New- Zealand student visa:

Proof of your identity

In which you need to prove that you belong to a particular country or state.

Proof of evidence:

In which you need to show that you are medically fit, for which you need to provide a chest x-ray or a medical examination.Proof of a good character:In this you, need to prove that you are of good character do not have court case on you, to provide this you need to take police verification certificate.

Offer of a place from an educational provider:

In this you need to provide the offer letter which you received from the university which state the name and the duration of the course which you going to pursue in the New- Zealand  including details of the your classes and holidays.

Proof of sufficient funds to pay your tuition fees:

In this you need to show that you have paid the tuition fees of one year of course and if your course is less than 1year you can provide the scholarship certificate from the university.

Medical and travel Insurance:

In this you need to show that you have medical and travel  insurance for the entire time period you are going to stay in the New-Zealand which must be medical care in the New Zealand and travel insurance to and from New-Zealand.

Proof that you are meeting the Academic requirements:

In this if you want to apply for a fee paying student visa you need to provide the previous academic certificates.Proof that you have enough funds to live in the New-Zealand: In this you need show 20,000 to 2500 NZD per year in your account which would be around 12 to 15 lakhs. In addition you need to show the pending tuition fee amount also.Proof of onward travel ticket:In this you need to show that you have travel for leaving New Zealand or you have money to buy your air- ticket.

Permission to work:

n this you need to show that you have permission to work part-time or full time during summer holidays for which you need provide your offer letter in which the duration of your holidays is mentioned.

Proof that you are passing your course and attending classes:

In this if your course demands practical work you need to submit the letter which will outline where the practical work is required in the course.

Additional documents required for an exchange student New Zealand visa:Cover letter: In this you need to provide a cover letter which needs to cover all the required information such as: an outline of your study plansYour plans after completing your studiesThe reason behind you choose the particular course and universityElaborate the courses which you have completed from your home countryIf you have gap in your studies you need to justify the gap by providing gap justification certificateHow you will pay your living and education expenses during your stay in the New Zealand.Your relationship with the sponsor if you haveYour travel history: In this you need to provide a colored scanned copy of the pages of your current and previous part to show your travel history.So above we have explained all the information about the documents which you need to require to apply for the New Zealand student visa but to ensure the visa success you need to hire the New Zealand Visa Consultant in Chandigarh which is none other than abroad gateway.

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Best Visa Advisor in Chandigarh: Your Key to Success

Study abroad is the dream of many youngsters in the developing nations including India as they are full of talent and zeal to achieve greater heights in their life. This is very warmly supported by many developed nations like the USA, UK, Australia and many others, as a humanitarian gesture. The universities in these nations offer enrolment to the international students based on their previous academic performance ensuring the appropriate utilization of their education for the desired purpose. In the present time, almost all the nations readily allow Indians to come and study in their country and therefore have made convenient rules and regulations for that, however it is still quite complex and students are mostly not able to follow the procedures themselves, hence seek help of the reputed Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh to do everything right. Following are the ways how these visa consultants help their clients in this process:

Choosing the Course & Country:

The first and most crucial step is to decide what to study and where to study that from, as the future life’s success or failure is dependent on this. The visa consultants in Chandigarh are highly aware about all the reputed universities and the courses they offer in various fields along with their prerequisites, therefore they could come up with the most suitable options for you as per your academic scores and interests. There are multiple factors that you need to look at before you could put your finger on one of them, these include cost of education and living, future prospects of the course, environment of the country and university, facilities to the international students etc. The visa consultants in the city beautiful are extremely knowledgeable regarding all these factors due to their long experience in the immigration industry which makes them the best guide for this.

Explaining the Visa Application Process:

Knowing a process as crucial as visa application is highly recommended because there are a lot of things at stake here. Understanding the need for it, the consultants in Chandigarh explain the complete student visa application process to their clients in detail including each and every step involved along with the monetary transactions that need to be done from time to time to pay required fees like university fee, visa application fee etc. You can check all that on the embassy’s website too but it will be very difficult to understand it because of the industrial jargons and terminology used to explain the procedures.


The Paperwork involved in the process is extensive and very specific. Thus, it must be according to the guidelines of the authorities. The efficient consultants know its importance too well and could ensure that they are made in the required format so that there is no rejection due to that.

Preparing for English Proficiency Test:

All the English speaking countries have made it an important eligibility criteria for the non-native English speakers to submit the evidence of the proficiency in the language, as the medium of education and communication is English in their country. The experienced visa consultants in Chandigarh help their clients to prepare for the English proficiency tests like IELTS, PTE, TOEFL and others so that they can become eligible to apply for the student visa.

Loan Assistance:

Finance is pivotal to abroad education and insufficient funds is the major reason or people to drop this plan in between. To support such students, the consultants of Chandigarh have loan assistance facility. They help their clients get the student loan easily from the reliable and authorized source.

Applying to the University:

Once all the documents are ready and funds are available, the consultants apply to the chosen university to secure a place in the selected program for you by submitting application and attaching all the required documents in a way that the admission officer gets convinced that you are a genuine student, thereby providing you the letter of enrolment.  

Applying to the Embassy:

As soon as the letter of enrolment is received, they apply to the embassy for the study visa, paying the fee along with providing all the required documents so that the visa officer is certain of your purpose of visit leading to visa approval.

Preparing for the Visa interview:

In some scenarios a visa interview is to be faced by the applicant, the competent Best Visa Advisor in Chandigarh  also prepare their clients well for such interviews so that the results are favorable.  In conclusion, it is beneficial to consult a proficient Best Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh for your visa application process if you want the whole process to be hassle free and seamless which is clear from the above discussion.

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Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh: Your Guide to Success

Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh although this does not mean that other parts of the country do not have such facilities. There are immigration consultants in various cities but the quality of work one could get in Chandigarh is exceptional. Here is how the Best Visa Consultant in Chandigarh help you to secure your dream: of the course. They ensure that you utilize your precious time in studying something that will reap benefits and make you a successful professional once you begin your career. For instance; Business, Computer Science, Psychology, Nursing etc. have more scope of employment in future.

Making You Eligible:

Once the decision regarding the course, university and the country is made, they explain you the eligibility criteria for that and try to assist you to become eligible for that. For example; preparing you to clear the English proficiency tests like IELTS or PTE or others, which is an important prerequisite to apply for a course in a reputed university.

Preparing the Documents:

it is essential to get the documents prepared in the specified formats so that the application gets accepted. A consultant has a very significant role here as he or she explains and provides the formats and the important information needed in a document.

Securing Your Seat:

In today’s world there is a very tough competition everywhere and only the one who could outweigh others in every aspect can achieve the goal. The consultants of Chandigarh are efficient in ensuring that you stay ahead in the competition and apply to the university timely to secure a seat for you. As they are aware of the time taken to process the application, they apply keeping that in mind which brings desired result. They are also experienced enough to know about the places which provide letter of enrolment or offer letter in short time period, so if you have delayed the process due to any reason, they can apply accordingly so that you do not miss the intake and waste your valuable time.

Applying for Visa:

You need to do the formalities and apply for your student visa within a stipulated time after getting the offer letter. The consultants in Chandigarh respect the timelines and submit your visa application without delay. They are expert in presenting your case through the documents to assure approval of the visa. In case of early visa, you also get enough time to prepare for your travel after getting the visa.


To expedite any process, one is required to do regular follow-ups. In case of student visa application process, following up is a must to make sure things are moving swiftly in the right direction. The Best Visa Advisor in Chandigarh stay on their toes to follow up on the progress of the tasks which delivers fast results. In case of any challenge or obstacle, they do as required to move the process forward. They also keep their clients posted regarding the same which strengthens the trust shown by the clients on them.Overall, due to the great work ethics and practical knowledge the reputed Best Visa Agent in Chandigarh are able to guide and support you to fulfill your dreams and achieve your ambitions which obviously hold a very high value in your life. So, without much ado, you should contact the best one to begin your student visa application process to get enrolled for the next intake.

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Dreams and ambitions are pivotal to a successful and enriched life, which is why we are told to dream big since our childhood by parents, teachers and all our elders. Having an aim in life is essential as that is the driving force that makes us achieve many things in life and our dreams are the foundation of our aims. The youth these days is very ambitious and tries to do everything possible to achieve their goals which is highly appreciated. It is observed that in the current time the youngsters in Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh are more interested in making their life abroad and for that they prefer using the resources available in the city beautiful Chandigarh, like the IELTS or PTE institutes and the

How to Find the Best Visa Agent in Chandigarh

In the contemporary world, everything has a cost and one must be ready to pay if they need to have that thing. This holds true in all the cases, be it a product or a service. However, most of us try to save money and choose the options where we do not have to pay if possible and end up paying more and losing a lot in the long run. This sometimes takes us at a place where we have to face disappointments. This is very common in the scenarios where big amount of money is involved like going abroad for any purpose; education, PR, visiting someone or going as a tourist to explore the country.It is suggested that you hire an immigration consultant for this purpose and it is also a known fact that the best ones are present in Chandigarh which is the immigration hub of northern India. When you decide to go to a foreign country for any purpose, you are mentally prepared to shell some money for that but you are always unclear about the consultation fee that you are supposed to pay to your Best Visa Consultant in Chandigarh. This is due to a lot of ambiguity in the immigration market. Many of them offer free service which is just a trap for you, you mustn’t fall into it. You must analyze the reason behind that, why would anyone offer you free services when the main aim of any business or organization is to earn money. Offering free counselling makes sense as till that time they have not started working on the profile but once they start the process for you then it cannot be free, be alert if someone tells you otherwise.The visa consultation fee in Chandigarh falls somewhere around 15 K to 50K as it depends on numerous factors, let us know what they are:

Factors Affecting the Consultation Fee:

Country of Choice:

The visa policies and procedures are usually very complex and intricate for all the countries as they are made keeping in mind the benefits of that country. Navigating through all of them and following each and every rule properly leads a lot of knowledge and experience. The consultant has to be extra careful and extremely alert about each and every step of the process so that the result comes in the client’s favor, which is you. For all the hard work they do, you should pay them a reasonable amount. Apart from this, certain countries have more complicated process as compared to others, in that case the consultant has to work more which leads to increase in the consultation charges.

Case Specifications:

Along with the country of choice, the consultation fee is based upon the specifications and complications of a case. If you have had a refusal before when you consulted some other firm, it is obvious that the current consultant will charge you more consultation fee while applying for the second time as this time he or she will have to make amendments and remove the flaws of the earlier time so that your visa application gets approved.

Type of Visa:

Different types of visa like study visa or tourist visa or spouse visa etcetera have different procedures which directly impacts the consultation fee as the preparation for that also differs.

Type of Services taken by you:

The reputed Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh offer multiple services to their clients so that they do not have to worry about anything. For any additional service that you take, there will be a small charge added to the consultation fee. For example, they have dedicated professionals who are expert SOP writers. They are capable of presenting details in the best way possible. If you want them to do it for you, there will be cost for that. It is not mandatory for you to take additional services but doing so ensures the best work and better chances to get the visa without any hindrances.To conclude, as it is clear now that the different charges you come across for visa consultation is due to the above mentioned reasons, you must get the clarity from your Best Visa Advisor in Chandigarh regarding that before starting the process so that there is no confusion later. Also, do not fall for the ones offering everything free of cost because there is no such thing as free lunch.

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Visa Agents in Chandigarh for Visa Approval

Permanent Residency Visa is a type of visa that allows a person to live in a country for a very long period, basically permanently, but do not confused it with citizenship as it cannot be acquired with any visa, for that you need to apply while living there. The process of getting permanent residency is quite different from other types of visa because it is for a long time. Chandigarh has some of the finest immigration consultants dealing in PR visa, the list of the top ten is given below:

Abroad Gateway
Flytouch Overseas
Charms Education & Immigration
Swiss Immigration
Pioneer Immigration
Sunrise International
Landmark Immigration
Oceanic Consultants
Sunland Education
Global Migration

Services they offer:

Free Counselling:

The reputed Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh possess great knowledge about the visa processes for different countries and are able to provide best career guidance too, therefore, it is highly beneficial for you to consult them. In the counselling session itself you will be able to learn a lot about various requirements, pros and cons of a particular career choice. Being in this profession for long has made them good judge of decisions which could be impacting life in a great way. For instance; if one has good experience in one of the technical fields, the consultant could guide which country will be more apt for him or her so that they could have a fruitful professional life leading to a prosperous personal life.

Guidance to strengthen the profile:

In case of PR visa it is essential to have a strong profile to get the acceptance. There are many criteria for which one earns points and moves ahead in the list of applicants. A professional  Visa Consultant in Chandigarh has the expertise in helping you to improve your chances of getting PR visa by making your profile stronger because they have in-depth knowledge about the policies and procedures. They could tell you what to do so that you have better profile.

Document readiness:

The paperwork is everything when it comes to official dealings and here the governments of two nations are involved. Also, both have their own set of guidelines for the documents they will accept, failing which you get the rejection on your application. Thus, it is intelligent to take support of the experienced consultants who know very well what documents are required in which format and what details need to be mentioned in them. They could get them ready for you if you face any challenges.

English language coaching:

In many cases, the foreigners have to prove their proficiency level in the English language to get accepted for PR visa to an English speaking country, and they do it by taking the tests like IELTS or PTE. If you approach an established visa agent, you will be able to get good coaching to clear these tests, it is an added advantage. For PR visa, you are supposed to take the General Training IELTS test and the scores required are a little higher than what is needed for the study visa.

Applying for visa:

Ensuring that everything is fine and positive, the visa agents prepare your file to be submitted with visa application. It is crucial to present your side of the story to the visa department in such a way that they get convinced that you are a genuine applicant and are not a threat or a burden to their country, rather you will be a good contributor in the growth of their country.

Visa Interview Preparation:

Last but not the least, the visa consultancy firms in Chandigarh do understand the importance of the visa interview for the acceptance of the application, therefore they prepare their clients well for that if it is needed.In conclusion, the Best Visa Advisor in Chandigarh are highly capable professionals who are a pro in the actions required to apply and then receive the permanent residency visa. Also, their servicers are reasonably priced because they charge you only for the processing and wherever it is necessary, unlike many others who charge their clients for every unimportant thing. So, if this is your dream too, you should reach out to a respected immigration consultant in Chandigarh for PR visa application as it will guarantee you the success in this endeavour.

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Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh Guiding You Every Step

Immigration industry is an important industry in Chandigarh and is highly useful for both; consultants as well as the people who wish to go abroad, it is because of the strong trend of people choosing to go abroad for varied reasons in the regions around the city. For the individuals who like to do things right and waste no time, Chandigarh is the place to seek professional consultation regarding going abroad. This claim is certainly not baseless, there are some of the Best Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh which offer their services wrapped in ease, comfort and peace of mind.  

Highly experienced consultants:

The Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh have years of experience in the field of immigration which makes them the master of their craft. They have strong awareness about the visa application processes and the accurate way of carrying out many activities required in the process. The vast practical knowledge has made them more competent and efficient, therefore they are capable of solving any issue that might arise in the process, so that their clients do not have to worry about anything.

Do not overcharge:

Affordability is highly appreciated in this expensive time, thus the respectable Best Visa Advisor in Chandigarh are quite affordable as they only charge for the services you take from them. They are not greedy to charge you for counselling sessions because they understand that it is already an expensive affair for many, so they share knowledge freely. We all know that nothing is free in this materialistic world, so how could visa application services be free of cost. So, if someone offers free services, beware of them and avoid such people or firms, they might be fake or fraudulent.

Provide all the services under one roof:

It is extremely convenient if you get everything at the same place, it saves your time and energy, and this is the cause behind the popularity of the supermarkets as you get everything of your need under one roof.  Likewise, the consultancy firms of Chandigarh offer all the services related to visa application process for all their clients, thereby easing it for them. These services include, counselling, document preparation as needed, writing the SOP (statement of Purpose), loan assistance, preparing the client for visa interview, making travel plans and forex. Clearly, if you could receive all that at one place then that is a big relief.

Cater to all the countries:

The best part of these consultants is that they have expertise in applying for the visa for almost all the countries, so you do not have to look for someone who is dealing with the country you wish to go to. They have dedicated teams and departments which deal with specific nation and are therefore able to guide you accordingly.

Deals with all types of visa:

There are different kinds of visa that people apply for, depending upon the purpose of their visit to the foreign country, for example; student visa, PR visa, tourist visa, visitor visa, business visa etc. You just have to state the visa that you want for a particular country and they will be able to do the best job to get that for you.

Highly transparent:

Being honest and open takes one very far, thus the highly efficient immigration consultants in Chandigarh prefer staying truthful and honest with the clients as this keeps the foundation of a long happy relationship. They clearly explain the activities and monetary transactions to their clients, leaving nothing for any confusion.

Proactive Approach:

Doing things in advance always pays well, hence the visa consultancy firms in Chandigarh are very proactive about every step and action. They keep doing follow-ups on the status of the application from the respective departments so that there is no obstacle on the way. Also, this update is passed on to the clients as well making them aware of the proceedings, it gives them confidence about the progress.To summarise, the benefits of taking consultation from an expert are unmatched, therefore it is advised that you reach out to the best and most reliable Best Visa Agent in Chandigarh for any type of visa as it is an assurance in itself for the visa approval, because everything will be done meticulously.

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Top Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh for Work Visas

Obtaining visa for the USA is really a big achievement for anyone as the country has very stringent laws for foreigners. The reason for this is that they are very clear and choosy about the kind of people who should enter America because no country wants a person who will be a liability to the government and not the asset. Also, while you are in the USA, the American government is responsible for your safety and well-being. The stricter laws are also to control the population of non-Americans in the country. This is the reason it is not so easy for students who aspire to study in the USA to apply for and to get the American visa. Here, the study visa consultants come into picture due to their expertise in the field. There are some of the Visa Consultant in Chandigarh owing to the high number of visa applicants. Let’s have a look at the top players:

Abroad Gateway
Lord’s Vision
AVP Immigration

Abroad Gateway is the Best Visa Consultants in Chandigarh as it has sent many students to USA by getting the F1 visa for them which is Student Visa in plain terms. Let us find out what they actually offer their clients

.One Stop Shop:

It is truly the one stop shop for the student visa applicants because you do not have to worry about anything once you make them your representative. They ensure that you do not have to do running around to get the things done. They provide you all the services you need which includes counselling to get the knowledge of the process, writing the SOP for you, applying to the educational institutes to get the enrolment letter, applying for the visa to the US consulate and then on receiving one, they do plan your travel if you like along with helping you out to get the currency to be used in America. That is not all, if need be then they will assist you to apply and get the student loan as well because having enough funds is very crucial to get the applications processed. You can visit their website to get further details of these services.

Communicating in the client’s language:

The biggest challenge that a common individual faces is interpreting the technical vocabulary and industrial jargons. Due to this they do not understand the steps to carry out the process and the paperwork that needs to be attached with the application. Also, any kind of updates that are received from the university or embassy is most of the time not comprehended by the applicants owing to the same reason. The experienced visa counsellors of Abroad Gateway know this issue very well and make sure that they talk to the clients in the simple language that they can understand and do tell the important technical words and short forms that people use in this industry because it is very important for them to know.

Experience in the field:

The vast experience of each visa team member makes Abroad Gateway the Immigration Consultant in Chandigarh. They have rich knowledge about the universities and institutes in the USA and know the merits and demerits both of all of them too well. Besides that, they are aware of the programs or courses available in them in each area of study which will also have enormous employment opportunities in future because the ultimate goal of studying abroad is that only.Along with that the whole team is well aware of the application process, right from the beginning to the end. American visa application process is very complex and intricate which needs very careful handling of the application so that it does not get stuck. Due to this it is important for the consultant to be very insightful and resourceful which cannot happen without the practical knowledge of the process. This is what the team Abroad Gateway offers and promises to all its clients.

Strong Values:

Above all, being trustworthy and honest is the core value of this consultancy which is difficult to find in the immigration industry. In the sector which is known for infamous things like duping people of their money and cheating them, it is really most important to work with the one which has very strong moral values and are very transparent about everything, Abroad Gateway is completely committed to this and that is why it is the best USA study visa consultant in Chandigarh.

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Chandigarh Visa Consultants for Study Abroad

If you are planning to migrate to overseas you need to hire the Best USA Visa Consultant in Chandigarh which is none other than Abroad Gateway, no matter if you are not living near Chandigarh as we are providing our services online as well offline so you contact us online or you can visit us Offline as we are located in the sector 42c in the main market. As we know that USA is known for providing Quality of education to the students because we can find the oldest university of the world in the USA. Once you made your mind to move USA for higher studies, firstly, you need to select the appropriate university as per your profile such as which course you have studied in the home country and which course you wish to pursue in the USA as there should be connection or link in between your past completed studies and course which you have selected to pursue in the USA because in case OF USA your visa success depends on the Chandigarh Visa Consultants Conducting visa interview in which consulate will ask you which course you passed in the home country and why you choose this particular to pursue in the USA, if he finds the good connection in between your pass out studies  and the courses which you select to pursue and you have valid reason to came back to the home country, he is definitely give you visa approval , on the flip side you might face visa rejection due to this reason. In this blog we are going to enlist the top most universities with the courses they are famous for, but firstly you need to understand how universities are classified in the USA.

Types of universities in USA:

Public universities

These are the universities which are state funded, having low tuition fees, wide range of degrees available; for example, Arizona state university and George mason university.

Private universities:

These are the universities which are alumni funded or organizational funded and comparatively having higher tuition  fees, smaller range of degrees available, they are usually specialized and focused in a particular stream; for example, Suffolk university Boston, Hofstra university.

Community colleges:

These are the colleges which are having low tuition fees, low admission criteria and provide associate degrees; for example, Green River College, Santa Ana college and Seattle central.

IVY leagues:

These are group of eight universities and located in the Northeast region, these elite colleges are very selective in admission, academic excellence and known for business programs; for example, Penn, Yale, Columbia, Harvard, Cornell and many more.

The list of top universities of the USA is as follows:

Princeton University
which is IVY covered campus and located in town New Jersey.
Massachusetts Institute of technology is university which is known for math, science and engineering education.
Harvard University is a private institution which is located in Massachusetts.
Stanford University is the campus which is located in California’s bay area.
Yale University offers a short time period of college life but provide the major resources for research.
University of Pennsylvania is private university which is situated in the Philadelphia.
California Institute of Technology is the university which is famous for science and engineering education.
Duke University is a private institute which is famous for liberal arts and engineering programs.
Brown university is the university in which students are allowed to design their own academic study programs.
Johns Hopkins University is a private campus which is located in the Baltimore which offer a wide range of courses in Arts field.
Northwestern university is private school which is located in the Evanston.
Columbia University has three different undergraduate schools which are named as Columbia college, the Fu foundation and school of engineering.
Cornell University is a private school which is located in the New York.'
University of Chicago is university which offers a rich campus life in a big city and situated in the Chicago Hyde Park.
University of California, Berkeley is university which is located in the San Francisco bay in Berkeley.
University of Los California is the university which is just miles away from Pacific Ocean.

So this is list of some top most universities which are available in the USA, you can choose as per your preference, moreover only Visa Consultant in Chandigarh will guide you the best university for you.Abroad Gateway is your premier Visa Consultants in Chandigarh dedicated to simplifying international immigration

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Top Immigration Consultants Chandigarh for Worry-Free Service

If you are planning to move USA for higher studies you need to hire Best USA Visa Consultant in Chandigarh which is none other than abroad gateway as they have years if experience in lodging the student visa applications. Moreover, they have tie-ups with the foreign universities, so they can help you to avail the best offers for you such as hefty scholarships, internships and many more benefits which universities provide to their students. As there are more than one million of international students are currently studying in the USA. If you have also selected the USA for the higher studies you do not know the procedure or requirements to apply for the USA student visa by Chandigarh Visa Consultants.

Let’s have look at the major requirements you need to follow to apply for the USA student visa:

Before knowing the requirements to apply for the USA student visa, you need to understand the types of degrees offered by in USA Education system, so there are four types of degrees offered by the USA education system:

Associate degree
Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree
PhD, Advanced or professional degree
Entry requirements to apply for the USA students:

For the students who are going to take admission in thecourse at the undergraduate level need to fulfill the requirements:

Mandatory requirements:

These are the major and mandatory requirements which must need to fulfill:You must have Academic score percentage of the 10th and 12th standard is 55% and above. If your academic score is less than 50 %, you might need to look for other option.

English proficiency test:

You need to appear for any of the English language proficiency test to fulfill the eligibility criteria as you can appear for the IELTS, TOEFL, PTE and DET. As we have different eligibility criteria for the different test as in IELTS you need to score minimum 6.0+, in TOEFL you need to score minimum 70+ score, or in PTE you need to score 53+ score or you need to score 100+ in the DET exam.

Optional requirements:

SAT :which stands for Scholastic Aptitude test, the minimum score requirement is 1150+.
ACT: ACT stands for American college testing for which you need to score 25+.

List of the universities which demand the above requirements to fulfill before giving them admission to the students in their campus:

University of Delaware
Portland state universities
University of south Florida
University of Arizona
Washington state university
Texas state university
University of Oklahoma  Stillwater
University of Toledo
Requirements for the Graduate students: Students who are going to take admission in the Graduate level courses they need to fulfill the following requirements.

Mandatory requirements:

First of all you need to score 56% or above that to get admission in the universities of the USA. English proficiency test requirements: You can appear for any of the language proficiency as they have different eligibility criteria for different exams, for the IELTS you need to score minimum 6.5+, for TOEFL you need to score 78+,in PTE you need to score 58+ or in the DET you need to score minimum 115+

.Optional requirements:

In this for the GRE which stands Graduate record examination you need to score minimum score is 290 to 300+.For the Graduate management admission test which is also known as GMAT, you need to score 550+Popular universities which demand the above requirements to fulfill by the students:

Arizona state university
University of Cincinnati
San Jose state University
California State University
University of North Texas,
DentonYeshiva University
Purdue University northwest
So above we have mentioned all the requirements which you need to follow to get admission in the universities of the USA as different universities have different eligibility criteria which you need to fulfillAs some universities will give you admission without IELTS or PTE exam, but in some universities, you need to fulfill the eligibility criteria regarding the language proficiency test. If you hire Visa Consultants in Chandigarh, he can definitely help you to guide how to fulfill all the eligibility criteria set by the universities, and if for some reason you do not meet with their requirements, they have the capability to find out the best solution for you. Abroad Gateway is your premier Visa Consultant in Chandigarh, dedicated to simplifying international immigration.

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Reliable Visa Consultants in Chandigarh for Fast Processing

We are living in a global world which has made people more aware about the possibilities and opportunities that lie across the globe waiting to be explored. This has given rise to the trend of going to foreign countries in search of greener pastures, consequently increasing the demand for more efficient Visa Consultant in Chandigarh and other parts of the country who could do as required to make it possible for people to go overseas. As there are more number of abroad aspirants in Chandigarh and areas around it, there are many Chandigarh Visa Consultants  offering their services to such people. If you too are one of them, you must contact one of the top visa consultants of the city so that you could achieve your goal of going abroad for whatever purpose you wish to go for.

What you can expect from the top immigration consultants in Chandigarh:

Accurate Information:

The benefit of hiring the reputed consultants of Chandigarh is the availability of the accurate information related to any aspect of the visa application process. The visa consultants here stay updated with all the latest changes in the policies and procedures pertaining to all types of visa to various countries and that is why they are your best guides. This also allows them to be ahead of all the others in the industry and achieving high success rates.

Best Options:

The deep knowledge and vast experience in immigration makes them capable of analysing your profile deeply to come up with the best options available for you, be it any type of visa. For example; in case of study visa it is essential that you select a course, university and country after considering all the merits and demerits of the options which you could only do after learning about them from the visa consultantsas they know the things that even internet does not.

Affordable Services:

As the highly reputed immigration consultants in Chandigarh are there for a long time and are quite successful, they do not overcharge or wrongly charge their clients, because there is no need for them to do that. They would only ask for a reasonable amount the payment for the services you take, however the counselling is free of cost because they do not charge for sharing the knowledge.

Quality work:

Being in the field for long makes one an expert in whatever they do, be it a doctor or engineer or a visa consultant. Thus, the top immigration consultants in Chandigarh are efficient enough to carry out all the tasks meticulously leading to great results. This is achieved because they have dedicated teams taking care of various activities that are to be performed in the process, like admission, filing, processing payment etc.

Hassle-free process:

When you choose one of the best immigration consultants operational in Chandigarh, you sign up for a hassle free visa application process. They have all the necessary services for their clients under the same roof, thereby saving them from unnecessary running around. They assist you to prepare the documents in required form, write Statement of Purpose, making loan available if needed, coaching for English proficiency tests, visa interview preparation, making travel plans, forex services etc. In addition to that, they are proactive about each step of the process and do regular follow-ups leading to smooth functioning.


To be trustworthy and reliable is extremely desirable in this industry as it is full of many cheats. The newspapers and news channels keep reporting such cases every now and then, making people suspect all in the field, even the honest ones. However, if you approach the top immigration consultants in Chandigarh, reliability will be the one thing you can be assured of. They are quite transparent about their activities and let the clients know about them, it builds trust and mutual understanding which is a must in this field. To conclude, it is in the favour of the abroad aspirants if they pick one of the Best Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh for their visa application process as it takes away all the stress and delivers positive result most definitely. If you happen to join the brigade of people exploring overseas opportunities, this ought to be your first step towards your goal.

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Expert Advice from Visa Consultants in Chandigarh

Chandigarh is the centre for all the immigration activities for majority of the population in north that plans to go abroad for any purpose. The reason for this is the level of services provided to the applicants which cannot be matched with anywhere else. There are a number of Visa Consultants in Chandigarh which have been offering all types of services that people ask for, this gives a huge variety to the aspirants to choose from. Once could hire an immigration consultant as per their pocket and convenience but the best criteria should always be the most important factor which is good quality work on time with complete transparency. Before you begin your process it is important for you to know how the efficient consultants of Chandigarh help the clients in the immigration process.

Understanding the client’s needs & wishes:

How could you suggest anything when you do not know the situation clearly, that is why the first thing that the capable Visa Consultant in Chandigarh do is to enquire about the wants and needs of the client. Upon meeting them for the first time, you are asked many questions related to the visa so that they could study it well, analyse and come up with the most appropriate options for you which could be beneficial in the long run.

Offering practical solutions to the problems:

In case there are any obstacles in the process due to circumstances, they provide guidance and solution to that which is workable and could solve the issue, making things work. For example; in case of unavailability of the sufficient funds, they could assist you to get loan from a reliable and authorised resource as they have tie-ups with the best ones for this. This is a very big challenge and is faced by many aspirants, solving this is a great help itself because sometimes people just compromise and drop the idea of going abroad irrespective how hard they wanted to do that.

Simplifying the process:

It is a well-known fact that the process of immigration is highly complicated and intricate and if anyone has the skill to make is simple for you, they are the efficient Visa Advisor in Chandigarh. Being in the industry for long has made them aware of the processes so well that they are able to find the easy and simple ways of doing things which are most effective. Due to the vast experience, they have devised plans to carry out the whole process in an organised way ensuring timely accomplishment of tasks in each step of the process which leaves no place for errors.

Saving client’s time and resources:

The respect earned by the Visa Agent in Chandigarh is not just like that, they have worked very hard for this and are committed to sustain it in the future as well. They work tirelessly to get the things done for their clients and save them from all the running around that is required in the visa application process. Even for the activities that the client is supposed to do, they try to make it easy so that the applicant could do it without hassle. For instance; there are certain formats for the documents that are acceptable, the visa consultants tell the clients about that proactively so that it could be made in the correct manner, saving time spent in re-making them if not appropriate. Also, they offer all the services under one roof only, making it convenient for the clients.

Extra support:

Last but not the least, the consultants in the city beautiful readily provide any additional support that you might need before or after getting the visa approval. They guide the clients while making travel plans so that the client could have a smooth travel and then settlement in a foreign environment. In addition to that, they could help with forex as well because you need the foreign currency while making any expenditures in the new country.To summarise, the visa application process becomes quite easy and seamless if you hire the best immigration consultant in Chandigarh for that, as explained above. The biggest advantage is that they are proficient in all sorts of visa and therefore you do not have to look for different consultants for different visa applications, everything can be taken care of at the same place, making it extremely easy for the visa applicants.

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